Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

There are 5 main reasons for the change

1) The Boss is STUPID

I can’t say that nicer, and I don’t really want to, because if a person gets to the point where they don’t have a job left because of their boss, it’s no longer just a managerial buck.

There are usually two cases:

A. The boss is not professionally good

It does not clearly assign tasks, it does not clarify responsibilities. He’s not consistent in accountability, he doesn’t expect the same from people with micromanagement. It does not give feedback or only gives negative feedback. He’s a good man, plus he tolerates certain things for some, but he blames others for superior performance.

B. The case of personal opposition

This is perhaps worse when there is such a strong dislike between two people that it just seems as if only malice is driving the boss. If you are tense you can’t meet him, you will be ashamed, humiliated, and make personal remarks in front of others.

What Can You Do?

I don’t want to fool you, in most cases, the boss’s problem doesn’t usually end well: in nine out of ten cases, a job change is over. If this is the case with you, but you have not yet developed an irreversibly strong personal antagonism, then it is worth giving your boss a chance.

For example, give yourself a probationary period, decide to put yourself there for three months, and open a clean slate toward it. You pay attention to your requests, you try to work as you please: you work on what you ask for, and you prioritize what is important to him.

Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?
Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

Most stupid bosses also have some subordinates to get along with. It’s worth seeing what they do differently, and why they don’t have a problem with the boss. One often tends to automatically look for fault in the other and prefers to excuse oneself from certain situations. But even in a bad boss-subordinate relationship, it’s important to look at ourselves a little bit sometimes, to think about what I could do differently? What could be improved and is it up to me?

If your boss notices and appreciates this effort, your relationship may even change for the better. If, on the other hand, you feel you’ve done everything but there’s no change, it’s worth switching as soon as possible. However, you don’t have to change companies right here either.

If you’re happy with your job anyway it’s worth looking around the house first. However, if you do not have the opportunity within the company, you will have to look for a new job outside the house as soon as possible. But most importantly, I by no means suggest that you wait until your self-esteem and self-esteem are completely destroyed by a stupid boss and an unworthy work relationship.


In addition to a bad leader, the second most common reason for switching is when someone feels they have no real impact on their job. He doesn’t feel important about what he’s doing, he has no say in his tasks:

he doesn’t decide how he organizes his days, what he does and how he does it, how much time he spends on a task, and whether he can work in a home office. In other words, he is kept in his childhood at work and has no freedom of choice.

A typical symptom of this is when someone feels they hate their job. “What else should I do? I don’t understand anything else! ” This is the kind of thought a person expresses to themselves, and most of the time they feel cornered because they suddenly don’t know where to go next.

He’s worked in only one field so far, he understands what he’s doing, and he can’t imagine what else he could do if he didn’t.

What Can You Do?

If you’re in this shoe too, it’s worth talking to your boss first about how to change that lineup. Is it possible to organize everyday work in such a way as to give you more independence and confidence? If not, it’s also worth over-mystifying the problem and thinking about leaving the track right away.

You probably won’t have to change professions right away either, a “simple” job change, a more flexible, more flexible job, will solve this problem. (Yes, there are, and on Thursday I’ll show you how to find them.

3) The Team is BAD

Who can work in the long run in a place where the work atmosphere is bad, there is no cohesion, there is a constant rumble, they whisper, they talk behind your back, information = power c. play? Of course no one.

It often happens that there is someone on an otherwise well-functioning team that is harder to get along with. He doesn’t want to fit in, he has a problem with everything, he’s in constant conflict with someone, and he only has peace of mind when everything is the way he wants it to be.

Ideally, a good boss will notice this in time and can do it against him. Of course, now I don’t think they’ve gone to team building, but when the leader is looking for the root of the problem and reorganizing the team accordingly. But in my experience, this unfortunately only happens in the rarest cases…

What Can You Do?

What better can’t you do? It is difficult in this case e.g. asking the boss for help without seeming to be a nuisance, a complaint. So a better strategy is to try to change within the team first: get more involved, build community, and invite a colleague with whom you personally have a problem.

Clarify conflicts, and transcend your ego. Of course, I am aware that this is easy to say, and if you have not received outside support for a long time, you may feel that you have done everything, but you are not alone in solving it. In this case, there is really nothing left but to switch…


In my experience, money only becomes a real change if a professional earns far below the market average. But then it is inescapably!

Obviously, there’s also one that pays someone well at your company, but you get a financially irresistible offer and that’s why you become. In general, however, if the previous three are okay (so the boss is good, there is independence, the team is good), no one alone will leave a good job for even an extra 20% salary.

If you can’t make a living from your salary, you’re apparently looking below market level, and when the topic of file comes to your acquaintances, everyone says a higher amount, no matter how good the company is, how coordinated the team is, you’ll definitely feel, that was enough, you have to go from here.

What Can You Do?

With regard to pay, I would also like to emphasize that it is a much better strategy to try to get a solution first. Understandably, if someone is dissatisfied with the money and quits, just before you make that final decision, ask yourself if I’ve done my best to turn things around?

You should do e.g. market research on what real payment data is. Is everything I hear from my friends true? There are credible statements for this, pay comparison sites, and information can also be gathered from professional lead acquaintances.

If it is confirmed that your salary is indeed below the market average, then it is worth discussing this with your immediate supervisor in the first round, initiating a salary negotiation. Not as an ultimatum, but to seek advice from him, to find a solution together.

If, on the other hand, your company does not have the openness to do so, no matter how you signal, no matter how much you ask for advice, your change will be completely understandable to everyone.

5) I HATE My Work

Last but not least, there is a shifting situation when work is boring. It used to be good, but you hated it, you might never have loved it. Well, this is the case that is the most difficult in terms of job search, because if you switch, your chances of a similar job would be the same.

What Can You Do?

In this case, I usually offer two options:

(a) Medium-term trajectory change

If you can no longer find your place in your profession, you are terribly unhappy in it, you feel like you have a lot more in it and are therefore willing to make sacrifices, you may want to move on to another field after thorough career guidance and preparation.

b) You can find a pleasurable activity next to work

If option a) is out of the question for you because, for example, you are a family breadwinner or a few years before retirement, and you cannot afford a temporary loss of income, you should not despair either.

The solution can be e.g. for you, the change in the environment, that is, simply changing jobs, doing slightly different tasks. And in addition to bringing into your life some joyful activity that fills you up at work. It could be an example. a volunteer activity or some kind of hobby where you get everything you miss from your job.

In summary

If you are not satisfied with your job, but as described in the article, you feel that you have not done everything to make yourself feel better at work, then I encourage you to try to change the situation yourself first. Talk to your boss, and look for solutions within the company. If, on the other hand,

you have already tried everything and nothing works, then there is nothing left for him, he must stand seriously to look for a job. Before you make that decision, you can also test yourself in the job market.

It’s worth assessing in advance what your options are, and how much your expertise is worth. Remember: whether you’re applying for a test somewhere or you’ve definitely decided to switch, you need to be prepared for it. You will need a good CV, you need to know where the good jobs are in your profession, you need to know the current situation in the labor market

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