Looking For A Job But Not Being Called For An Interview?

Looking For A Job But Not Being Called For An Interview? Do This!

It is true that we are still in the second wave of COVID, but from a job market point of view, there are already signs of encouragement. At the very least, the figures show that the demand for labor is nowhere near as high as it was in the spring when virtually 70% of job advertisements disappeared from one week to the next.

So there are job opportunities – somewhat less, approx. We’re 10-20% behind last autumn’s average, but the number of new ads is growing – yet many complain that they can’t find a job, aren’t invited to a job interview, and companies don’t report back. What could be the reason for this? And what can you do to get in for an interview later this year?

Looking For A Job But Not Being Called For An Interview?
Looking For A Job But Not Being Called For An Interview? Do This!

Demand, supply, job search activity

The epidemic situation brought two huge changes to the job market this fall. Those who do not take this into account and do not adapt to it will unfortunately not be able to position themselves in an envelope. These two things:

  • job search activity and that
  • where and how job opportunities appear

One of the biggest effects of coronavirus is uncertainty. Many people feel insecure about their job, not sure their company will survive the epidemic in the long run. There are sectors (eg tourism, hospitality) where a lot of people are applying from their existing jobs to other places. Some people have a job but their pay has dropped and is looking for another job. And there are those who are simply trying to move to safer waters, to a more stable company now. 

What does this mean in practice?

There are multiple oversubscriptions for each job advertised!

A couple of months ago we also announced a position, for which we only received 250-300 applications from the Profession, plus about 150 more applications from our own mailing list. So, out of a total of 400 application materials, we had to select a new employee with whom we could then start working together. 

Think about it! If someone spends only 1 minute on an application: looking through it, flipping through the CV a little bit, it would take 400 minutes to process 400 applications, almost 7 hours. 

Nearly one working day is just the mere flipping through of applications. And even then, it doesn’t include an orphaned phone interview, not a single inquiry… Do you understand?

Fair or not, but the current situation is that if a tender material does not catch the eye of the person making the selection, it is not ready for him, he is ready, he will put it aside, go on to the next

What can you do to get more people invited to a job interview?

If you don’t want your application to land in the trash, I suggest two things, both of which are huge for success now:

  • DO NOT apply only for advertised jobs!

You have to apply directly, also with Guerrilla methods. The good news is that there are still at least 8-10 techniques that are still only used by a few, so it can be done much more effectively with it.

  • And if you’re bidding on ads, use all the existing acceleration and marketing techniques!

I’ll show you some! 

›› If you are applying by email, make sure that the subject of your letter is a little more eye-catching!

Instead of “ Profession1234,” you need a slightly more creative, eye-catching subject. And you also need to enter the text of the email so that the reader wants to open the attachmentYou already have to sell your resume at point 0. Don’t be afraid to market yourself!

›› When applying online, never leave the automatic cover letter overwritten!

On most job portals, you can type in a few lines of accompanying text in addition to your resume, 99% of people leave it untouched, or the automated template will send you your application by letter. Don’t do this! Stand out from the crowd here too! Even if you attach a separate cover letter to your application, shortening it a bit, type your own, accompanying text here as well.

›› Don’t just attach a CV! If possible, always upload your online profile in detail!

Many people don’t think so, but the computer system that also pre-filters and selects applications also looks at how present the keywords you are looking for are in the uploaded materials. Take advantage of this, enter all the data, year, and description in detail in your profile.

›› Try to submit your CV on several channels!

Don’t think of an HR team of 10-20 people processing applications everywhere. More than 70% of workers are employed by SMEs. It is therefore worth assuming that even a company with 80-100 employees usually does not have a separate recruitment team. There are only one or two HR employees who perform all HR tasks. The goal is to get your resume in their hands or a professional leader!

For example, who approached me at the age of 56 by working for reputable companies before, not understanding that damn it, not being called for a single interview. Obviously, we also reworked his CV a bit, but for him, for example, the decisive thing was clear he sent the application directly to the decision-maker for each application.

›› Return receipts and courier services can sometimes deliver results!

Several of my clients report that when they send their application by mail, return receipt, or courier, a much higher proportion of companies return to them. For example, one of my marketing clients said these days that he also tried this technique, sent his applications by courier, and not only did he get into several interviews, but he even praised his quality material.

›› Call me!

Even before submitting the application, you should inquire by phone to get a little extra info about the job. This way, not only can you better customize your application, but you’ve already left a mark, and you’ve drawn a little more attention to yourself. 

›› Follow-up!

If after 10-14 days there is no answer to your resume, you may want to ask me by email or call me back and inquire politely. Here you can also refer to the previous conversation and get information, or answer additional questions. A former senior colleague of mine applied e.g. Linkedin to a job.

He recounted that there was no answer anywhere for days, then grabbed it, investigated the contact details of the recruiting colleague, and contacted him in a polite inquiry email to see if they were in the job, if they had received their application, or if they had any questions.

Needless to say, the next day, in the midst of frequent apologies, the answer came as to when he could go in for a personal consultation, and after a 4-5 rounds interview process, he won the job.

Remember: this is a race!

If you want to get a successful job in a few months, want to be noticed, and find a good job for yourself, then you have to use these techniques! Don’t be afraid of them, believe me, I didn’t invent them yesterday, this is a real experience of the last 10 years. 

If you ever feel like “Father is burning now, but I hate to” push “like this, it’s so far away from me!”, then I would like to encourage you with what I said Listen, there will be those from whom you will receive criticism, there will be those who do not like you being so intense, but believe me there will be many more who you will be called for an interview and that is why you will be selected from the crowd. 

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