
Job Search Tips For Middle And Senior Executives To Invite More And Find New Job Faster

Job Search Tips For Middle And Senior Executives To Invite More And Find New Job Faster

Most middle and senior executives experience how hard it is to find a job despite their admirable careers as a cold shower. They get no feedback on their applications and are barely invited to even get a job interview. In this article, I will share some tried and tested tips to call for many more job interviews and find a job faster!

Why aren’t managers coping with job search, and what could be the solution?

Let’s first list the well-known and lesser-known reasons why middle and senior executives have a harder time finding a job:

Obviously, due to the upwardly narrowing pyramid, there are fewer positions that correspond to this level, as opposed to, for example, subordinate jobs. This is well known.

Job Search Tips For Middle And Senior Executives To Invite More And Find New Job Faster
Job Search Tips For Middle And Senior Executives To Invite More And Find New Job Faster

Most of my middle and senior clients are past 40-45-50 years old and due to their age or lack of negotiation level English language skills they are starting to be excluded or already excluded from the circle that multis are happy to employ.

There are quite a few who have spent too much time in a single job (up to more than 10-15 years), so their experience is a bit special, tied to the specifics of that particular company, and therefore seems less immediately applicable to another employer.

Most have somewhat neglected to build their personal marketing more precisely in their careers. Despite the great experience, they try a very weak, outdated resume and cover letter that doesn’t show what they are really good at and why. Because of their hard work, their relationship system is relatively narrowed, and most of their relationships come from work relationships that are related to work within the company or on a daily basis.

Many middle and senior executives focus on people management (“I could already lead any department/organization”) and so it is often unclear to them what kind of activity they want to be involved in. As a result, they do not necessarily apply for the jobs they would be most suitable for or are unable to communicate clearly why they are best suited for the job.

If you’re also middle or senior manager and have a harder time finding your chin, I’m sure it will affect at least 2-3 of you from the list above. The good news, though, is that if you look for a job more consciously and manage your job search more professionally, you’ll soon get the recognition and job you deserve. Let’s see how!

What do you need to be able to sell yourself as a leader in the job market?

Since job searching seems a bit of a black box for managers – even if they’ve interviewed a lot in the past and hired a lot of staff – let me draw a business analogy!

Take, for example, how your imaginary company wants to bring a new product into the country, and let’s see together what business strategy you can use to successfully sell that product. You will need three important steps:

1. Market research = career orientation

Market research is the mapping of product strengths as well as the market situation (supply and demand). You need to be aware of what the key advantages of the product are compared to the competition, and in what industries, what types of companies will be your most likely customers.

The job search should also start with market research – although most people skip this step altogether or run it through only superficially. List your strengths (but not primarily your personal skills, but your expertise and work experience) and see what industry, companies, and jobs you could make the most of.

The key here is to think more broadly than before. For example, if you’ve worked for multinationals so far, in addition to listing other potential multinationals, look at how capital-intensive smaller companies might be.

For example, many people do not even know that 73% of the employees working in companies in Hungary are employed by SMEs, and a company with a turnover of seven billion and 200 employees is certainly an SME. However, these lesser-known companies are often not on the radar of middle and senior executives.

2. Marketing = resume + cover letter + job search techniques

Once you are aware of the key benefits of your product – what you can communicate – and have defined your target audience, marketing can come. In the life of a business, the most important task of marketing, in addition to branding, is to get potential customers to know about your product and come into your business or to get your stakeholders more easily into a meeting.

In a job search, your marketing is based on your resume or your level of motivation and your activity as you deliver these well-written, engaging, and clearly communicating marketing materials to your target employers. Either through job advertisements, or through acquaintances, or through employment agencies, or direct contact.

As I mentioned, the marketing materials of most middle and senior executives (e.g. resume, Linkedin profile) are significantly below the desired level – and I was very finely worded back then.

The litmus test is very simple: if you are typically not invited to a job interview for which you consider yourself 100% suitable, then you should definitely revise your resume and motivation letter significantly.

3. Sales = job interview + salary negotiation

If we turn back to our imaginary product, it’s obvious that you’ll usually sell it at a personal meeting. You need to present the benefits of the product, deal with any objections that arise, and present the price.

However, it is very important to keep in mind that not every sales meeting will be a business, and not immediately. Even with a healthy 10-30% overall sales conversion, your imaginary business will only be successful if you can bring in a relatively large number of sales appointments or if your marketing brings in a relatively large number of potential customers to your business.

In a job search, this stage is represented by job interviews. According to a comprehensive survey, job seekers need to attend an average of 14-15 job interviews in order to find a job with a 95% probability. (This includes multi-round interviews). So it’s important to accept that it won’t be enough for 2-3 companies to get into an interview, and don’t take it very seriously if a promising job doesn’t come together. This is simply the nature of things – both in job search and in sales.

Thus, for most middle and senior managers, the biggest difficulty is clearly not getting enough job interviews. This is the biggest obstacle to their location, and you have to work harder or smarter on that too.

Rethink your career orientation, use alternative job search techniques to target hidden jobs, and create a punctual resume, cover letter, and more. Linkedin profile. For the vast majority of my clients, this is enough to find and win their new job in 3-4 months, and I’m sure it will also boost your job search significantly.

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Differences Between Europass and American Resume And Which is Better?

Differences Between Europass and American Resume And Which is Better?

Many job seekers wonder which is more effective, the Europass, or the American-style resume? When, which one should you use?

The question could also be asked which is the better, American or European CV, as the Europass CV was born out of an initiative of the European Union. In order to answer this question, it is worthwhile to better examine the background, structure, and content of the formation of different types of resumes.

Differences Between Europass and American Resume And Which is Better?
Differences Between Europass and American Resume And Which is Better?

In Many Countries, The traditional type of descriptive CV was used for a long time, which presented in an essay the professional experience, marital status, and significant moments of a candidate’s life. This kind of descriptive resume is now completely out of use. Hard to see, unprofessional – simply outdated.

The American type of resume

When the market economy began to function again after the change of regime, multinational companies quickly brought into vogue the type of CV used in the United States and Western Europe. This is the American type of resume, which has been the most common resume format ever since.

The American-style resume presents professional experience, key skills, and studies in separate sections. An important feature is the clear, compact structure. It is typical for American autobiography to usually put it in sentence sentences or to use simple lists. Such a resume shall not exceed two pages in length.

In contrast to the traditional descriptive CV, the American CV presents the candidate’s previous positions and studies in reverse chronological order, ie going backward from the present.

It is worth noting that the exact English translation of the American autobiography is Resume, but it is also correct without an accent: Resume. However, this name is only common in the United States and Canada.

In Britain and other parts of Europe, the Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Latin origin is more likely to refer to a CV, although the two terms do not completely overlap. The point is, however, that both terms basically cover the kind of resume we know as an American-style resume.

The Europass Resume

The Europass Curriculum Vitae was initiated by the European Commission in 1998. The main aim of the project was to facilitate the free movement of workers within the European Union through the standardized presentation of professional experience and competencies.

The Europass CV has therefore declared a template. Its structure is somewhat more cohesive than that of American autobiography, precisely because of unification. For example, the Completion Guide even warns job seekers not to change the elements, format, and font of the template — although it is permissible in that not all fields are required.

This unified structure allows us to create our resumes online as well. We can enter our personal data in a specific online interface, and then the system will create our Europass CV at the touch of a button, which can be saved as an electronic file or even printed out.

With the enlargement of the European Union and the promotion funded by the EU, the Europass CV is now also used quite widely – but only in Europe.

Which is better, Europass or American CV?

The more structured structure of the Europass CV is often too convenient for job seekers. This treats the resume as an average form in which you just enter the data and you’re done.

The other problem stems from excessive standardization. When we have to stand out from hundreds of job seekers with our application, it can be especially disadvantageous to use exactly the same template as others.

It is also important to consider which type of resume is preferred by staff and job brokers. There is a general consensus among professionals that a Europass CV is a little harder to review than a US CV. This is partly due to the centered layout. But the different codes used to show the level of language proficiency does not make it easier to interpret the Europass CV.

Because of all this, it can be said that it is generally worth using an American-style resume. An exception to this is if you apply to a European Union institution or are specifically asked to use the Europass format. If someone is applying to a Western European country but not to an EU office, an American CV will still be a better choice for them.

But it’s not just the format of your resume that influences the success of our application. You may also want to consider carefully whether or not to attach a photo to your resume, as research suggests that photography can reduce your chances of being hired.

Personal data should also be treated with caution, as we may be discriminated against if, for example, we indicate our year of birth. In addition to age, there are quite a few more things worth missing out on your resume to invite more to a job interview.

Whichever type you choose, it is advisable to pay enough time and attention to writing your resume. Because while the structure is important, much more depends on the content of your resume.

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How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

I hear negative feedback from a lot of my middle-aged clients about the young staff interviewing them. Since the road leads to many jobs through them, here is a 3-point user guide for them:

It is undeniable that there are many young people among the professionals who make the selection. There are several reasons for this. One is that recruiting and interviewing is a very hard job. Anyone who works for a company in the HR field will try to transfer to another field after recruitment, such as training or HR projects, organizational development, etc.

How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?
How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

The consequence of this will be to entrust the “culinary work” – finding candidates, selecting CVs, and the first round of interviews – to young HR staff with recent graduates or a few years of experience. They are still happy to do it.

This can lead to the strange situation of a 25-year-old deciding the fate and suitability of a candidate aged 40-50-55 with serious life and professional experience.

3 tips on how to handle this job interview:

1) Don’t judge by age!

Perhaps this is one of the most important rules. Because if you don’t want to be judged by your age, you can’t do the same. There are certainly some among the young staff who are not (yet) suitable for the job. But there are many who do the work entrusted to them at a very high level, even at such a young age.

The point is not to judge first, because it will inadvertently have a negative effect on your entire attitude and radiation during the job interview!

2) Treat the HR employee as a partner!

Whether you are interviewing at an employment agency or directly at your employer, the road to your job is often through a 25-year-old staff member. Treat him as an equal partner, because if you like, he is your agent. This is especially true for job brokers: if they have already been called for a job interview, they are also interested in filling the job as soon as possible.

However, in order for him to be able to sell you to the outsourcing employer or to a professional manager within the company, you need to know, that you need to win for yourself. Because if you can achieve that, he will be arguing with you why you should be employed even though you are already 45 or 50 years old.

3) Don’t look for mistakes, help him!

God, how many outbursts have I heard from clients, and readers, that HR doesn’t even understand the job you’re looking for ?! This is certainly the case even with more experienced staff, not to mention young people.

Instead of making her feel disapproved of her, help her more! Help her by explaining the subtleties of the profession and helping her understand the job in detail! But you will be very grateful for that, and so you can make him your follower.

The biggest reservation for middle-aged people is often that they will not be able to fit into the company’s much younger workforce. If you assign or treat a young HR employee in a job interview, you are supporting precisely this negative bias.

Adapt to the situation!

Age discrimination is undeniably present in the labor market. But this is not the fault of the 25-30-year-old staff. Don’t overdo the situation by allowing room for the generational difference between you! Try to treat it as a partner, because it is in your best interests!

I know it’s hard. But look: you don’t send a young doctor to a warmer climate when you’re dealing with him. He is a doctor even if he has just passed the exam. You rely on your expertise because most of them aren’t where you happen to be.

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Is It Worth Applying For Job Advertisements Over The Age Of 40-45?

Is It Worth Applying For A Job Over The Age Of 40-45?

Why is the question in the title interesting? After all, most people now look for their new job on the Internet, and that’s not a problem in itself.

The problem stems from this, and this issue affects a large number of professionals, especially those over the age of 40-45 because most people start their job search by sending dozens of applications only to advertisements uploaded to well-known, large job portals.

Of course, mostly completely ineffective and unanswered. If you might be walking in this shoe before you start blaming yourself or the advertising companies, or possibly referring to your age or qualifications, it’s worth taking a closer look at what’s behind it all.

Is It Worth Applying For A Job Advertisements Over The Age Of 40-45?
Is It Worth Applying For a Job Over The Age Of 40-45?

One of the largest job portals in Hungary has recently published an interesting analysis, which I would like to draw your attention to at the very beginning of this article.

The study of profession reveals that despite the fact that there are 10-15 thousand active job advertisements on the online job portals at the same time, most of them (roughly 85-90% of them) expect less than 3 years of professional experience.

What does all this mean?

So if someone is past 40-45, has no chance? Do you think it is completely unnecessary for an experienced professional to apply on job portals?

No, that’s not the case, even if quite a few of my clients look at it from time to time exactly because they feel it’s completely impossible to find a job for the reasons above. 

Who posts job postings?

If you look at who is posting online job postings, on the one hand, you will find that a significant proportion of advertisers are large companies, including multinationals. This is understandable, not least because one such job advertisement has a very peppery price, not to mention that a smaller company often does not have the budget or adequate HR infrastructure to manage job advertisements.

In addition to multis, you will also find a significant number of job applications submitted by staff consultants. These are staffing companies that in many cases also work for large companies.

Many people do not even know that a significant part of the advertisements on job portals are posted by personnel consultants who otherwise fill only 2% of the jobs in the national economy in Hungary. On the website approx. 25-30% of advertisements are posted by staff consultants, and on other job portals this proportion can be as high as 45-50%.

So what do we see?

All job seekers have to reckon with the fact that they will come across a lot of multi-companies on online job portals, and as we discussed in a previous article, these companies are primarily building from the bottom up, looking for a lot of young people.

In their advertisements, they almost always emphasize the youthful work environment and the opportunity for development, so they explicitly or explicitly expect young workers to apply.

In other words, you are NOT allowed to apply for job portal advertisements over the age of 40-45!

Not even as a younger worker. You’ll see why right away, but let’s take a look at the other side of it before that!

To what extent is the exclusionary or limiting factor of 1-3 years of professional experience?

Many people misinterpret this “from-to” limit, and many job seekers do not apply for a job they like simply because, based on their professional experience, they believe they are out of the job. However, my experience is that companies do not usually define the maximum experience with this stipulation. It’s more about letting go of their expectations.

Many companies today find it quite difficult to find a good professional in a short time, and in the current labor market conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for employers. Thus, they too tend to move in a more permissive direction, and in many cases prefer lower conditions in their job advertisements, hoping that they will have a better chance of finding a suitable workforce.

So, 1-3 years of work experience as a stipulation, for the most part, does not mean that the company does not want to talk to professionals with more experience.

Is It Worth Applying For A Job Over The Age Of 40-45
Is It Worth Applying For A Job Over The Age Of 40-45

So what is a good tactic over the age of 40-45?

It is true that online job portals are not the best terrain for job seekers over the age of 40-45. If you belong to this circle, you will have to move out of this circle, if only because there are a number of other job search techniques that you can use successfully as an experienced professional. Among other things, I will introduce you to these at my next free online mini-training, get to know them, and use them yourself!

However, you don’t necessarily have to dismiss ads on job portals. I would like to point out that since most of the staff consultants who advertise on job portals fill only 2-3% of job advertisements, you should apply for these advertisements mainly if you are in the 25-45 age group, have competitive professional experience and at least English negotiation. you are talking on a level. If these conditions are right for you, there is a good chance that you will meet the requirements they set, and you will be their target group.

However, if you do not meet these parameters, you may want to filter these ads from the search list in the advanced search engine of the job portal in advance, and only apply for ads posted by employers.

Finally, one more important thing

When it comes to big business. If you look at most large companies ’own career pages, you’ll find that from time to time they fill up a relatively large number of jobs on their own homepages. But if you go up to the job portals, you will NOT encounter most of these job opportunities.

So it is not at all automatic for companies to advertise all their open positions on job portals immediately. And not because they already have a potential candidate for the position from the inside, but because it is simply not worthwhile for them to advertise every single job. (Just think of the high advertising fees already mentioned.)

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How do you prepare for a video job interview?

How do you prepare for a video job interview?

A few years ago, it was only reported in the media as a huge novelty, but today, video job interviewing is almost a common practice.

You may want to learn about the main types of video interviews, as there is a growing chance that you will need to introduce yourself in this form during your next application.

In one recent job interview training, one participant reported having a video interview with a large company. Well, not like you’d first think a video call was made via skype. Instead, he was emailed a link to a website where, after a unique login, he had to answer questions from a computer in front of a video camera.

While most video interviews don’t use such advanced technology, it doesn’t hurt to know more about video job interviews either. First of all, it is worth clarifying an important issue.

How do you prepare for a video job interview?
Close-up Of Young BusinessmanHow do you prepare for a video job interview? Video Conferencing On Laptop At Desk In Office

Why a video job interview?

Video interviewing is most often not an end in itself. It is used by companies in the selection for several reasons, here are the three most common reasons that explain its increasing use:

  • On the one hand, a video job interview saves time by helping you filter candidates at the beginning of the selection process. While a face-to-face meeting takes at least 45-60 minutes (plus an appointment), a video presentation or hearing can be done much faster. And you can get a much more detailed impression of an applicant during a video presentation or conversation as opposed to a telephone interview. 
  • With a video job interview, you can easily save on travel, at least once. For example, if the applicant lives in a different city or country than the employer, a video interview during the first round of interviews will trigger a face-to-face meeting, saving time and travel costs, which will significantly save the candidate.

Who prefers a video interview?

Video interviewing is used primarily by technology-oriented industries – IT companies, financial services companies, service centers – primarily by multinational corporations. many companies are using this form of selection, but in the United Kingdom, it is already a common method for 42% of large companies. So it’s worth preparing for it early.

What does a video job interview look like?

As a job seeker, you can basically come across three different types of video interviews:

  1. The first, and perhaps most common, the way is to have a live job interview as part of a video conference or a skype call. The scenario is pretty much the same as in a face-to-face meeting, with the difference that you talk to the interviewer in a video call.
  2. In the second case, the job posting company asks you to make yourself an app. 5-10 minute introductory video and upload it to a password-protected web interface. This is a little harder because you actually have to make a complete introductory video. 
  3. The third type is when you enter a corporate career page or an Internet-managed web interface, a pre-compiled set of questions is played through your computer, which you usually have to answer in a  maximum of two minutes per question. So far, this type is not so widespread in Hungary, but don’t be surprised if you come across such a solution.

Video interviewing is a difficult terrain compared to face-to-face meetings, so above all, try to avoid it if possible! Rather, ask for a face-to-face meeting, go ahead of the video presentation! Offer to go to the company in person, be courteous in this!

If there is no other way to introduce yourself than through video, then you should be very serious about preparing for such competitions. Let’s look first at the technical part and then at the content part of the preparation!

What tools will you need for a video interview?

Of course, you will need a device that can record and stream both video and audio.

It can be a laptop or desktop computer. Perhaps a laptop with a built-in camera is the most convenient device, as they also have a built-in microphone. If you’re using a laptop, I suggest you put a few books under your laptop to get the camera from eye level.

You can also have a conversation with a standard desktop computer if you have an external webcam, but keep in mind that you will also need a microphone. A large headset is not the most ideal solution because you look like a pilot. 🙂

Smartphone / tablet. The big advantage of these devices is that they have a built-in camera and microphone and that almost everyone already has such a device. Their only drawback is that the image moves a lot while holding the mobile phone or tablet. 

When taking a picture, you should also make sure that the camera is at eye level and that you have enough light in front of you. The easiest thing to do is to record the video in natural daylight near the window, so there is almost certainly enough light available.

I suggest that you always test your settings with a few test shots before the video interview.

How do you prepare for a video job interview
How do you prepare for a video job interview

Now let’s look at how you can best prepare for a video interview in terms of content.

How to prepare for the video interview?

1) Job interview via skype or video conference

As I mentioned, this type is closest to a normal job interview, you have to be prepared for it practically the same way. I stress that in this case, too, it is advisable to prepare thoroughly for the expected job interview questions. 

2) Introductory video

When you are asked for an introductory video, it is entirely up to you what everything will be in the video, This is the advantage and of course the same disadvantage of this option. You know, it’s like saying in a job interview, “Tell me about yourself!”

This question is not really liked by job seekers because they are unsure of what to talk about. Well, the same is true for the introductory video interview: in the expected 5-8 minute material, you need to talk about yourself with the goal of selling yourself to prove to your employer that you are the “best” candidate for the job.

What are you worth talking about then?

Be sure to give a brief summary of your professional career so far, but understand how I write a short summary, so you don’t have to list all your jobs and jobs chronologically. It is worth highlighting the job that most closely resembles your application from your career, talk about what your main responsibilities were here.

However, what really sets you apart from the other applicants is not the description of the tasks, but what results you have achieved in recent years and what kind of knowledge, experience, and skills you have that will make you able to fill the job.

Be careful not to go into too much detail, however, be specific, avoid commonplaces, and try to provide as many examples and facts as possible that will convince the employer that you are indeed the ideal candidate.

A lot depends on how you compile this material because the experts of the companies can draw conclusions about your properties, such as insight, priority management, and time management.

It doesn’t matter how you present this, of course, but I’ll talk about that later.

3) What can you expect if you have to answer a series of interview questions?

In the event that you need to upload a non-introductory video, you will most likely receive a series of questions with about 10-12 questions – all candidates for a position will receive the same questions – with two minutes after each question to answer.

With this type of interview, it is not possible to predict for sure what questions will be asked, but since this is a competency-based interview technique, you may want to look at the expectations the advertiser has put forward in the job advertisement. If e.g. when applying for a customer service job that states that good problem-solving skills and a customer-oriented mindset, as well as communication skills, are expected, the question will surely be asked, “Have you ever dealt with a difficult customer? How did you solve the situation? ”

In addition to position-specific skills, you might want to prepare for the most common interview questions: Why would you want to switch? What piqued your interest in the job advertised? What are your plans? Why should we choose you?

You may also want to work out the answers to these questions. If you are unsure, write the full text of the answer, if not, it is enough to take it in sketch points and memorize what you have to say.

Describing the content helps a lot to capture the answer in your head and not forget anything about the excitement of a video interview.

Once you’re prepared for what you have to say, think about how you’re going to present it.

The first impression matters a lot here too!

However, we can only make a first impression once, so try to get the most out of the video interview.

Practice is essential to be able to sell yourself as professionally as possible during a video interview. Believe me, newsreaders, and actors were not born that way, a lot of practice enabled them to move confidently in front of the cameras. 

1. Exercise in front of a camera!

Pick yourself up with your phone, camcorder, and look critically at what you’re doing well and what you need to improve: you may be grimacing like Jim Carrey, or maybe you’re talking to the gestures of an Italian dealer, maybe your voice is too quiet and weak? you have phrases that you use annoyingly too much, maybe too much until you become aware of them, you can’t change them.

It can also help a lot to prepare for a traditional job interview by taking a video of your answers to some of the expected questions.

2. Look at the camera!

Even during video interviews, candidates often make the mistake of looking at the monitor, not the camera, so the selectors looking at the recording practically never see the candidate’s face or eyes

so they are practically unable to make eye contact with him, and we can use our gaze to convey the most authentic emotions from within, such as motivation, positive attitude, good mood, and harmony, so it is not worth leaving this channel untapped.

3. Communicate clearly and expressively.

Imagine yourself in the place of the selection professionals, they may have to watch 100 video interviews, so try to leave a mark on them: articulate to ensure comprehension, speech tempo is dynamic but followable

you have to be loud enough because you can’t know the microphone how much you convey from your voice, but the most important thing is to emphasize, change your tone, speech tempo to maintain interest.

4. Smile!

During the video interview, we want to make a sympathetic, engaging impression, and a smile is a prerequisite for this, which shows that you are a well-balanced, cheerful, lively candidate.

I know you’re saying good-good now, but it’s still an awkward situation, but I still advise you to try to enjoy it, because then the result will definitely be better.

5. Adhere to the time frames.

If you are told you have 2 minutes to respond, have an hour in front of you to keep track of how much time has elapsed since you responded. Time is subjective, or we feel a much longer or much shorter elapsed time when we talk, so practice it as well. how many sentences fit in two minutes.

6. Focus on appearance!

A video interview is a substitute for a telephone or first-person interview, so attach the same importance to it as if you were in an interview: dress just as demandingly.

Avoid wearing clothes, jewelry, and makeup that distract you from what you have to say. Beware e.g. from overly flashy colors, a small patterned top/shirt, large earrings.

7. Create a calm environment!

You can only perform well if you rule out any distractions, start when you are sure no one will disturb you, your children, the cat roaming the apartment, and your dog will not start barking in the apartment.

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right!

I’m not denying the video interview is tough terrain, but keep in mind that you don’t have to compete with the performance of the professional actors, but with the other entrants.

Don’t bother if you may not be 100%, but with the tips above in mind, you can already make and pass a pretty good quality video interview.

Think of a video interview as a task that will help you develop a lot of skills again, see communication, persuasion, and presentation skills, and these are the skills you need in your daily work and even in your personal life, so learn up! I wish you good luck!

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Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

There are 5 main reasons for the change

1) The Boss is STUPID

I can’t say that nicer, and I don’t really want to, because if a person gets to the point where they don’t have a job left because of their boss, it’s no longer just a managerial buck.

There are usually two cases:

A. The boss is not professionally good

It does not clearly assign tasks, it does not clarify responsibilities. He’s not consistent in accountability, he doesn’t expect the same from people with micromanagement. It does not give feedback or only gives negative feedback. He’s a good man, plus he tolerates certain things for some, but he blames others for superior performance.

B. The case of personal opposition

This is perhaps worse when there is such a strong dislike between two people that it just seems as if only malice is driving the boss. If you are tense you can’t meet him, you will be ashamed, humiliated, and make personal remarks in front of others.

What Can You Do?

I don’t want to fool you, in most cases, the boss’s problem doesn’t usually end well: in nine out of ten cases, a job change is over. If this is the case with you, but you have not yet developed an irreversibly strong personal antagonism, then it is worth giving your boss a chance.

For example, give yourself a probationary period, decide to put yourself there for three months, and open a clean slate toward it. You pay attention to your requests, you try to work as you please: you work on what you ask for, and you prioritize what is important to him.

Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?
Top 5 Reasons to Change Jobs and What Can You Do?

Most stupid bosses also have some subordinates to get along with. It’s worth seeing what they do differently, and why they don’t have a problem with the boss. One often tends to automatically look for fault in the other and prefers to excuse oneself from certain situations. But even in a bad boss-subordinate relationship, it’s important to look at ourselves a little bit sometimes, to think about what I could do differently? What could be improved and is it up to me?

If your boss notices and appreciates this effort, your relationship may even change for the better. If, on the other hand, you feel you’ve done everything but there’s no change, it’s worth switching as soon as possible. However, you don’t have to change companies right here either.

If you’re happy with your job anyway it’s worth looking around the house first. However, if you do not have the opportunity within the company, you will have to look for a new job outside the house as soon as possible. But most importantly, I by no means suggest that you wait until your self-esteem and self-esteem are completely destroyed by a stupid boss and an unworthy work relationship.


In addition to a bad leader, the second most common reason for switching is when someone feels they have no real impact on their job. He doesn’t feel important about what he’s doing, he has no say in his tasks:

he doesn’t decide how he organizes his days, what he does and how he does it, how much time he spends on a task, and whether he can work in a home office. In other words, he is kept in his childhood at work and has no freedom of choice.

A typical symptom of this is when someone feels they hate their job. “What else should I do? I don’t understand anything else! ” This is the kind of thought a person expresses to themselves, and most of the time they feel cornered because they suddenly don’t know where to go next.

He’s worked in only one field so far, he understands what he’s doing, and he can’t imagine what else he could do if he didn’t.

What Can You Do?

If you’re in this shoe too, it’s worth talking to your boss first about how to change that lineup. Is it possible to organize everyday work in such a way as to give you more independence and confidence? If not, it’s also worth over-mystifying the problem and thinking about leaving the track right away.

You probably won’t have to change professions right away either, a “simple” job change, a more flexible, more flexible job, will solve this problem. (Yes, there are, and on Thursday I’ll show you how to find them.

3) The Team is BAD

Who can work in the long run in a place where the work atmosphere is bad, there is no cohesion, there is a constant rumble, they whisper, they talk behind your back, information = power c. play? Of course no one.

It often happens that there is someone on an otherwise well-functioning team that is harder to get along with. He doesn’t want to fit in, he has a problem with everything, he’s in constant conflict with someone, and he only has peace of mind when everything is the way he wants it to be.

Ideally, a good boss will notice this in time and can do it against him. Of course, now I don’t think they’ve gone to team building, but when the leader is looking for the root of the problem and reorganizing the team accordingly. But in my experience, this unfortunately only happens in the rarest cases…

What Can You Do?

What better can’t you do? It is difficult in this case e.g. asking the boss for help without seeming to be a nuisance, a complaint. So a better strategy is to try to change within the team first: get more involved, build community, and invite a colleague with whom you personally have a problem.

Clarify conflicts, and transcend your ego. Of course, I am aware that this is easy to say, and if you have not received outside support for a long time, you may feel that you have done everything, but you are not alone in solving it. In this case, there is really nothing left but to switch…


In my experience, money only becomes a real change if a professional earns far below the market average. But then it is inescapably!

Obviously, there’s also one that pays someone well at your company, but you get a financially irresistible offer and that’s why you become. In general, however, if the previous three are okay (so the boss is good, there is independence, the team is good), no one alone will leave a good job for even an extra 20% salary.

If you can’t make a living from your salary, you’re apparently looking below market level, and when the topic of file comes to your acquaintances, everyone says a higher amount, no matter how good the company is, how coordinated the team is, you’ll definitely feel, that was enough, you have to go from here.

What Can You Do?

With regard to pay, I would also like to emphasize that it is a much better strategy to try to get a solution first. Understandably, if someone is dissatisfied with the money and quits, just before you make that final decision, ask yourself if I’ve done my best to turn things around?

You should do e.g. market research on what real payment data is. Is everything I hear from my friends true? There are credible statements for this, pay comparison sites, and information can also be gathered from professional lead acquaintances.

If it is confirmed that your salary is indeed below the market average, then it is worth discussing this with your immediate supervisor in the first round, initiating a salary negotiation. Not as an ultimatum, but to seek advice from him, to find a solution together.

If, on the other hand, your company does not have the openness to do so, no matter how you signal, no matter how much you ask for advice, your change will be completely understandable to everyone.

5) I HATE My Work

Last but not least, there is a shifting situation when work is boring. It used to be good, but you hated it, you might never have loved it. Well, this is the case that is the most difficult in terms of job search, because if you switch, your chances of a similar job would be the same.

What Can You Do?

In this case, I usually offer two options:

(a) Medium-term trajectory change

If you can no longer find your place in your profession, you are terribly unhappy in it, you feel like you have a lot more in it and are therefore willing to make sacrifices, you may want to move on to another field after thorough career guidance and preparation.

b) You can find a pleasurable activity next to work

If option a) is out of the question for you because, for example, you are a family breadwinner or a few years before retirement, and you cannot afford a temporary loss of income, you should not despair either.

The solution can be e.g. for you, the change in the environment, that is, simply changing jobs, doing slightly different tasks. And in addition to bringing into your life some joyful activity that fills you up at work. It could be an example. a volunteer activity or some kind of hobby where you get everything you miss from your job.

In summary

If you are not satisfied with your job, but as described in the article, you feel that you have not done everything to make yourself feel better at work, then I encourage you to try to change the situation yourself first. Talk to your boss, and look for solutions within the company. If, on the other hand,

you have already tried everything and nothing works, then there is nothing left for him, he must stand seriously to look for a job. Before you make that decision, you can also test yourself in the job market.

It’s worth assessing in advance what your options are, and how much your expertise is worth. Remember: whether you’re applying for a test somewhere or you’ve definitely decided to switch, you need to be prepared for it. You will need a good CV, you need to know where the good jobs are in your profession, you need to know the current situation in the labor market

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8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

The economic and health situation caused by the coronavirus poses challenges for all companies. In the Many Countries and world press, we can read a number of estimates about how many jobs will be lost in the coming period.

In the Americas, for example, the number of people registered for unemployment benefits has increased tenfold, and approx. Unemployment is predicted at 20-30%. It is also difficult to guess what economic processes this situation will trigger, but we can also expect redundancies and layoffs of a certain volume, similar to the 2008-2009 global economic crisis, to those companies that were not affected by the crisis in the first place. The question is: can we do something as an employee to keep our job, or is it better to prepare for the worst?

8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace
8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

Stay away from me to humanize it, but there’s a familiar joke here: Two people are gangling peacefully in the jungle when a lion suddenly jumps out of the bush and starts chasing them. They rush with pure force, and one of them begins to shout desperately: 

– Hey, man, we have no chance of surviving! The lion is a hundred times faster than both of us. Needless to run, he’ll catch up with us anyway! 

To the other’s voice, 
“I have no idea of ​​competing with the lion.” I don’t have to leave the lion, just you… 

A bit polarized, but that’s pretty much the current situation with layoffs. Not everyone will be sent (at least not from most companies), but downsizing is expected in many places. What can you do to keep yourself from scattering? Here is an 8 point action plan! 
Attention! The tips are mainly for those who still have a job and a previous job!

8 tips to keep your job even in times of crisis

1) Be proactive!

Every crisis is also a serious test for the company manager (also). In this case, a so-called power vacuum: the boss’s attention is 100% captured by the crisis. You have to make quick decisions, you have to manage new and new problems that arise on a daily basis, and the previous normal course of business is legally pushed into the background by all managers. Which employee will come out well from the new lineup? The one who doesn’t need to be teased, the one who doesn’t need to be held accountable, checked, does his job without it. 

So first and foremost: strive for creative ideas, do your job independently and reliably! Put yourself even better in the next period and help your company and team proactively! 

2) Focus on your work!

In addition to a lot of negative news and uncertainty, people also tend to panic and worry about their own worries during working hours. Unfortunately, this will sooner or later be reflected in the performance, which, let’s face it, is not a very lucky point at a time when everyone would have to do the job a thousand percent. 

Don’t let the negative vortex take you too! Eliminate panic and helpless anxiety during your work hours! Focus on what you can influence and don’t let your braincheck your performance!

3) Be flexible!

If we are comfortable with it, if not, companies will be forced to redraw jobs and give new tasks to regarded employees in the next period. There will be those who will protest against it hand in hand. 

This will now be NOT the “not my business” period, NOT the “not included in my job description” period. I also advise you that if you entrust your boss with a new task, do not bargain with him, do it to the best of your knowledge. 

4) Talk to your boss.

Many people choose the tactic that when times are tougher for the company, they tend to hide. Don’t have to confront, don’t have to be mindful, don’t have to report. “Until they see it, there’s nothing wrong.” – This is not a good survival strategy, in fact! 

Feel free to find your boss, ask him for advice, ask what you can possibly help. Ask him for feedback so you know what he expects from you in the new situation. And even talk to him a little bit about the company’s situation. He may not be able to tell you a lot of extra information, but feel free to search and even ask him for new assignments. The point is to be mindful and communicate!

5) Be a cohesive force!

Most companies have switched to working from home, which can be quite a challenge for a community. Take advantage of this period and be the one to hold the team together with a little better. Even if the boss is in a telephone consultation all day, he put out the fire, you can be the one to talk to the others, call them, help them. 

If this task is not very far from you, feel free to take on the role of coordinator, teammate, and non-intrusive, but a bit of a mouthpiece.

6) Keep in touch with the outside world!

In any crisis situation, regular communication with the outside world is very important. What does the outside world mean? If you’re in a relationship with customers, you’re on the one hand (according to your job opportunities) your customers and, above all, your boss. Many don’t see it that way, but the most important customer of every employee is their boss. And it’s never enough to “just” work hard, you have to be able to show it to your leader! This will be even more so now.

I’m not telling you to learn from politicians :), but I do suggest that you start reporting to your leader at least once a week. Make a summary, even if you don’t expect it to!

7) Pay attention to the internal job opportunities!

Even during the deepest crisis (at least for most of the companies on their feet), internal jobs are constantly being filled. If you see that your job (whatever you do) is in jeopardy, on the one hand, put 100% of the work into it nonetheless, and on the other hand, be on the lookout for positions within the company. 

Try to position yourself so that you have a chance to fill another job within the company that you may find more secure.

8) Consider the situation of your company!

One of the most important keys to survival is not to put your head in the sand! Don’t wait for a miracle, rather keep track of your company’s realistic situation. You can’t get out of a crisis with a blindfold!

If you see a ship sinking, if it’s obvious that the entire company is in danger, start preparing for the shift in time. All this is not a let down, just be ready to jump!

So this is an 8 basic guide to survival. Of course, even so, there is no guarantee that your job will definitely escape the crisis. But if you follow these few rules, you’re much more likely that if you have to send one of two people to management, you won’t have a choice. 

Remember: change carries dangers, but it also offers opportunities

If you look only at the bigger picture, even politics / economic policy, you can always see in a crisis situation how sharply you can get stuck and how well you can get out of a situation.

You can make good decisions in the long run, but you can even decide on a complete career in an instant. Here is e.g. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo v Donald Trump case

While Trump speaks out stupidly about the coronavirus and virtually no longer knows how to cry or laugh at it, it has become completely unbelievable about Cuomo, how honest, supportive, and vain New York is one of the focal points of the virus in the US In, the governor is one of the greatest examples that can respond well to it.

While Trump is constantly undermining himself, Cuomo has practically rebuilt himself, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he got into a higher position after the crisis at lightning speed.

The analogy may be a little strong, but it’s pretty much the same now in the workplace: a crisis is a threat, but it’s also an opportunity for you to jump out.

If you can stay loyal in a situation like this, if you do your job well, make good decisions and prove it, they can very easily notice you now. And when the crisis is over, you may even find yourself in a higher position than where you were before.

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The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

Perhaps we agree that a job interview is one of the most shocking parts of a selection. Face to face with the prospective employer from whom the questions are just showering. How do you sell yourself while remaining yourself? How do you get your better shape, but don’t even camouflage and play yourself?

I admit that this is not an easy task. Especially when the more provocative topics are followed by really provocative questions…

The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers
The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions Examples are:

  • Why did you change jobs so often?
  • I see a little / a lot of experience for this job. What do you think about this?
  • His CV is convincing, but I see he didn’t get his degree/language, why?
  • We are a youthful company, do you think you could fit into a team around 30 years old?
  • Did you mention how old the kids are?

You may not see it that way right now, but I say you should be happy with questions like this! 🙂 I’ll explain why. And I’ll also show you how you can get along well with a more uncomfortable topic with answers.

Objection handling

Provocative issues in sales are called objection handling. That is, if a potential customer has an important objection, they will not buy from you until it is somehow clarified.

One of the most important tasks of the seller is always to bring to the surface any possible objections of the buyer and to respond to them reassuringly.

The same thing happens in a job interview: if you feel you’re getting questions that seem hostile, rejoice in them instead of being offended, because you don’t have to guess, the interviewer himself will tell you what specific doubts he has about you. And you have the opportunity to distribute them in a nice, professional way.

Let’s look at the 5 most common types of provocative questions and the answers!

1) Why did you change jobs so often?

Answer: First of all, let me say that I don’t like looking for a job at all, and I find it necessary that I have been forced to change jobs relatively often. Almost every change I had had a different reason: a merger or a downsize, and it was such that I didn’t look closely at where I was contracting.

However, I managed to get good results at each company, despite the shorter time spent there, and they were happy with my work everywhere (List some examples here too!). During the interview, I was convinced that I would be able to make a long-term, stable contribution to your company and this position.

2) I see little or no experience in this job. What do you think about this?

Answer: Looking back on my previous jobs, I did not start any of them with all the necessary knowledge. Yet, as I have basic expertise and am learning quickly, I have been able to achieve serious results in a relatively short period of time. For example, this and that… I am ready to put energy into learning in my new job as well. Based on my past positions, I think I can be equally successful in this position.

3) Your CV is convincing, but I see you didn’t get your degree/language skills, why?

Answer: I’ve tried myself in quite a few jobs, and I feel like I’ve found a specialty in logistics where I enjoy every minute of my work. What is certain is that I want to continue working in this field for the next 5 or 10 years.

It is important for me to constantly develop and be competitive, so I have been a subscriber to various logistics courses for years, I regularly buy specialist books, I train myself, and I also enrolled in an English language course a few months ago. I feel that my practical knowledge is outstanding in my field, which has been regularly reported by my previous leaders. E.g… 

4) We are a youthful company, do you think you could fit into a team around 30 years old?

Answer: It is true that I am over 30 years old, but I feel much less than I am. I like working with young people, I get along well with them, I also understood myself well with all my young colleagues in my previous jobs.

I play sports regularly, I am also dynamic according to the feedback from others. I still live an active life to this day and luckily I learn quickly in my work as well. 

5) Did you mention how old the children are?

Answer: As I wrote in my cover letter, my two little boys are 5 and 7 years old. Luckily my grandparents live nearby, they help when the kids get sick, I was on sick leave for only x days at the previous job. They have only missed kindergarten/school twice in the last year.

My husband’s schedule is also relatively flexible, so far it has worked well for us to go for the kids in the evening if I may have had to stay in the job any longer. I just found a great babysitter to help with home logistics from next month. 

In summary

Provocative questions are good, they work for you, so treat them positively, because with your answers you have the opportunity to reassure the interviewer about your objections about you once and for all.

You should be prepared for these consciously! Write down any possible doubts you may have about your application or career and work out reassuring answers in advance. Remember: honesty is very important! Never lie, you can say anything, it doesn’t matter how you serve it!

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