
10 Helpful Tips You Can Give To Your Beginner Runner Friend

10 Helpful Tips You Can Give To Your Beginner Runner Friend

Maybe you still remember the time when you started to get acquainted with the world of running as a beginner. You’ve probably found that running is a really simple sport on the one hand and a very complex one on the other.

If you want to help your close relative, friend, or acquaintance who is just starting to run, you can’t help him with the tips below!

10 Helpful Tips You Can Give To Your Beginner Runner Friend
10 Helpful Tips You Can Give To Your Beginner Runner Friend

1. Graduality is key!

As a newbie runner, quite a few make the mistake of wanting to grip a lot, but they will catch little. That is, a great deal of enthusiasm (which is super anyway!) This means that they start at too long distances, at too fast a pace, and this can lead to failure in a few weeks, in the form of exhaustion, burnout, and even injury from overload. Enthusiasm in this case unfortunately overrides the principle of gradation, as one wants to get to one’s goal as soon as possible – and that is not the way to go.

Feel free to tell your friend to be patient, as the “less is more” principle may be more effective at first. Generally speaking, as a beginner runner, 3 workouts a week may be enough, and on the other days, the beginner runner should rest or choose a light cross-training (follow each rest day with a rest day). to start with walking workouts! 

2. More time than the time

Since, as a beginner, the runner may experience involuntary tempo, it is more beneficial to run your workouts on time rather than long distances at first. The goal is to gain basic endurance, which requires low-intensity runs.

Your friend may feel these workouts are “slow,” but reassure them that the goal now is not to be able to run a certain distance in a given amount of time, but to complete the time specified in your workout plan in that intensity zone. Confirm that if you stick to the “slow” speed that develops basic endurance, you will surely find that in a few weeks you will get further in time, as your running pace for this zone will improve.

3. Walking is not nice!

Moreover, you have to walk in many cases at first. As our expert, triathlon and running coach Anna Szabó writes: “As a complete beginner, one of the most expedient methods can be to alternate between jogging and walking!”

In most beginner workout plans, a number of workouts consist of alternating jogging and walking stages, precisely because of the goal of developing basic endurance already mentioned. Also tell your novice runner friend that even experienced runners sometimes walk when needed, such as on steep inclines or in long-distance races.

4. Warm it up, hand it over!

If you see that your novice treadmill tends to hang over for warm-up and stretching, draw attention to the importance of both to prevent proper regeneration and injury. Not to mention that thanks to regular warm-up and stretching, you will feel much better in your skin, and your muscles will not “go crazy”.

5. You don’t need high-tech running stuff, but a good shoe does!

Teddy bear pants, hoodie, windbreaker – it doesn’t matter what your friend starts running, the point is, he’s started! What you can point out, however, is that there is nothing wrong with the Mackinac in the sky world, but what is worth spending on is running shoes that fit the foot structure. A plain leisure shoe or fitness shoe is not enough to run, and may even lead to foot pain.

It is best to visit a specialty store where sellers recommend footwear after taking the necessary surveys and taking into account the needs of the runner. Sure, as a beginner, you don’t need the miracle shoes of a professional runner for 2-3 races a week (as an amateur, let’s not say later), but it’s worth giving the foot what it deserves because it will thank you.

6. Stay realistic, set goals for yourself!

Closely related to council number one (Gradual is important!) Is the setting of realistic, achievable goals. If you notice that your friend with a zero running history is already dreaming of running a half marathon in two months, try to tell him the risks (injury, failure) of such an irresponsible goal.

Among other things, you can convince yourself that if you leave enough time to prepare yourself, you will not only have a better chance of success, but you will feel much better! The essence of regular sports, in addition to exercise, is to give pleasure. One of the keys to this is to formulate realistic, achievable goals.

7. Plan it!

For someone to make running a part of their life, they need to find their place in their daily lives. If you notice that your friend often pushes your workout times back and forth, often missing out on occasions, draw your attention to the importance of conscious planning as well as consistency as an important factor. Encourage you to schedule your workouts and all related details at least a week in advance. If you feel open to her, show her how you’re doing it and tell her what helped you keep to your schedule.

8. Perform cross-training!

Even the more experienced runners hang out with this sometimes, but you certainly don’t (hopefully) and so encourage your friend not to either! Among other things, swimming, yoga, cycling, and our own weight-bearing, running-specific strengthening exercises (functional strengthening) all contribute to injury prevention – and they also provide variety!

9. Don’t control your ego!

Reassure your friend that it is not a shame to move slowly and gradually, at your own pace, it is not a shame not to belong to the group of runners in gazelle-shaped, high-tech running stuff from head to toe. Tell him it’s not the speed or the suit that makes the runner; tell him it doesn’t matter what others think, it’s just what he does for himself, his health, and his fitness!

10. Just keep going!

It will surely happen that your friend will stop running, lose his enthusiasm, and momentum, or even experience failure. Reassure anyone that this might happen, tell him or her what helped you in these situations Anno, and if necessary, even discuss together what might be the reason for the stoppage. You may need to push it out the door in a figurative sense – or even literally – but be sure to look for the motivating factor, the message that gives you the strength to continue.

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6 Common Factors That Negatively Affect Running Performance

6 Common Factors That Negatively Affect Running Performance

If you want to make progress in a particular activity, you have to practice it regularly – it’s no different with running. If you want to improve your running, you obviously need a well-structured running training plan but there are a number of other important factors that can affect your performance! We have now collected some of these.

6 Common Factors That Negatively Affect Running Performance
6 Common Factors That Negatively Affect Running Performance

1. Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important elements of a complete recovery, which is why you need to be conscious to get enough sleep! “Regeneration requires a slow wave of deep sleep. Cell division, cells in the bone marrow, red blood cells, and white blood cells are formed during a slow wave called deep sleep. This reduces your heart rate and slows down your metabolism and breathing. When deep sleep occurs, the body goes to rest, at which point the body has the ability to rebuild at the cellular level. With such an effective state of wakefulness, the body can never regenerate, so deep sleep is very important.

In general, for an adult, 6-8 hours of sleep is sufficient (deep sleep accounts for about 15-20% of sleep time). But it’s also very important to have a well-functioning agenda, to focus on regularity, which in this case means trying to go to bed at about the same time in the evening and get up in the morning on weekdays.

2. Proper nutrition

It is also a key factor, as if the car does not have the right fuel, it will not work or will malfunction. For runners, this means it’s worth adjusting your diet to your workout. To do this, it is important to be at least roughly aware of how much energy we need to consume in our daily lives and how much energy we use. It is also recommended to take care of the proper distribution of macronutrients to get all the important nutrients.

3. Cross-training

On the one hand, as a runner, it is worth incorporating forms of movement that are a little lighter, but have a good effect on the circulation and joints, give variety, and can help prevent injuries: such as cycling, swimming, yoga. On the other hand, there is a need for functional strengthening, that is, performing specific strengthening exercises, even with your own weight, that train the muscles involved in running.

Include cross workouts in your weekly plan because they not only strengthen but also help with regeneration! In addition, perform mobilization and stretching exercises every day, which also reduces the risk of injury.

4. Breath!

As a runner, mastering the right breathing technique can go a long way in making your workout a success. There’s no overriding general rule on how to “  breathe ” while running, just think of the huge difference between a low-intensity running workout or a hard part-time workout! For the former, for example, it is often sufficient to breathe only through our nose, while during a faster pace, as the intensity increases, oral inhalation also takes place, as this is how we try to meet the body’s need for oxygen.

The rhythm of breathing usually adjusts to the rhythm of movement, which is also a completely natural phenomenon.

What you should do as a runner in relation to breathing is to learn how to breathe in your abdomen. Abdominal breathing strengthens the diaphragm, promotes complete oxygen exchange, and increases lung capacity.

5. Running technology

There are countless solutions for its development, but it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all, over-the-top running technique that is perfect for everyone, as many factors (body shape, age, cover, running pace, terrain, etc.) affect it. what is the right running style for us?

However, there are general guidelines that are recommended to follow, and you can read more about them here by clicking here. In addition, it is extremely useful to learn and perform running school exercises on a regular basis, as they can help a lot in both honing the technique and avoiding injuries:

6. The light should be easy!

This is a bit out of the list, as it is about running, not “garnishing,” but we definitely think it’s important to stress!

Low-intensity regenerative running workouts aren’t accidentally included in your workout plan! It is also in their name: regenerative. These light, slow runs are essential because they prepare the body for the next load without causing fatigue, and even speed up the regeneration process – that is, they help prevent burnout and injury.

So regenerative runs aren’t an ornament in the plan: the boogie might be in our feet that very day, and a tempo run would be much better – but let’s not do it! And don’t replace your regenerative run with a workout that was previously missed for any reason. Give our organization these very easy workouts too!

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8 Lifestyle Tips For The Lazy People So There Are No More Excuses

8 Lifestyle Tips For The Lazy People So There Are No More Excuses

They make a number of objections to why they are not starting a lifestyle change. No time to train, no time to cook, healthy foods are expensive, and so on. Now, however, we offer an alternative to even the slimmest in order to get rid of a few pounds.

8 Lifestyle Tips For The Lazy People So There Are No More Excuses
8 Lifestyle Tips For The Lazy People So There Are No More Excuses

1. Make Healthy Snacks!

Think ahead – this is one of the best lifestyle tips for the lazy. Take yogurt, fruit, and natural almonds for weekend shopping. Always keep little almonds in your bag, and throw in an apple or a box of skim yogurt in the morning. It’s also a good solution to prepare vegetables cut into a small plastic box over the weekend and cook an egg for a few minutes in the morning.

2. Training in Front of The TV

While your favorite series is going, do squats or breakouts instead of chewing on chips. If you have the opportunity, invest in an exercise bike so you can train on it while watching TV. Whether it’s just 20-30 minutes a day, you’ve already burned more calories than just sitting and snacking.

3. Buy Consciously!

Instead of starving for a long time between the shelves of a supermarket, eat before shopping and make a shopping list. Stick to the list, don’t buy something you haven’t recorded. Don’t buy a bigger package out of anything just because it’s cheaper, and don’t be tempted to see free ice cream boxes or chip bags. Buy whole-grain products, skimmed milk products, and mineral water instead of cola.

4. Fat Saving

The Teflon pan requires only minimal oil or no oil at all. It is enough to smear the bottom with a brush, so the scrambled eggs don’t stick to it anymore, the meat doesn’t roast there, yet it uses much less fat.

5. Take A Break While Eating

Between two bites, until you chew and swallow the bite, put the cutlery down. It may seem strange at first, but it will make you eat less. He will chew the food more thoroughly and longer, so the sooner it will flash, “I’m fine!” message. If you eat less by chewing, and rushing, the message will only come when you are already too full and finally can’t eat more.

6. Dress For Success!

Buy yourself good sports shoes or a pretty gym outfit. This is also a lifestyle tip for the lazy, as it encourages you to move and motivates you to show off in them! The training shoes that are constantly in mind almost suggest you pull them up and move!

7. Get Enough Sleep!

If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, you can expect to eat more. Lack of sleep increases the levels of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger. That is, you will be much hungrier, the body will need more energy to do everyday tasks due to fatigue. In addition, a little sleep slows down your metabolism. More food, slower metabolism, a straight path to weight gain.

8. Diet with A Smartphone

You may want to download some weight loss apps for your smartphone, which you can use to keep your own meal diary and set up a pedometer and calorie chart. You can also control your phone to alert you when it’s time to eat or play something. Take advantage of these opportunities because they can provide not only help but also motivation to lose weight.

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7 Ways To Stay Energized Throughout The Day

7 Ways To Stay Energized Throughout The Day

We work, plan, organize, arrange, and then fall apart in the evening and feel like I’ve been squeezed out. Our energy should be managed wisely. Well, how?

If we think honestly about who makes us feel constantly under pressure, it can easily turn out to be ourselves. The compulsion to comply, maximalism, or the desire for more and more are all driving forces that never exhaust, never fill. To charge, we need to notice: that we are chasing ourselves unrealistically. A few little things are enough to keep you energetic, energetic again, and not get ready for the end of the day.

7 Ways To Stay Energized Throughout The Day
7 Ways To Stay Energized Throughout The Day

1. On Secure Feet

Good and comfortable shoes are essential for well-being and an energetic lifestyle. Neither high heels nor flat soles are anatomically advantageous. If you suffer from pain all day, it will consume all your energy. If we wear comfortable shoes, we will never be intimidated by a walk.

2. Get Up From The Chair!

Anyone who does sedentary work should pay attention to getting up every hour, moving themselves a little. Not only is it good for the spine, but blood circulation starts more intensely throughout the body, and more oxygen enters the brain.

3. Brain is Unnecessary

Too much brainstorming and endless inner monologues are the biggest energy robbers. You will surely remember moments when you repeatedly played a discussion with your love or boss in your head. Did a lot of brainstorming make sense? Isn’t it? If you manage to reduce or stop these internal conversations, you will be noticeably relieved and you will be energetic again.

4. Life On The Move!

He who does not move at all should not be surprised if he only drags his burdens. Exercise not only relieves stress and delivers oxygen to muscles and organs, but it also cleanses the whole body. Forget the power constraint, do the sports you really like. It can be half an hour of gymnastics, aerobics, football or feathering with the kids in good weather, a hike with family, friends, or just a short jog.

5. Conscious Eating

We never forget that we get energy from nutrition. A healthy diet that contains all the nutrients but is low in carbohydrates drives the engine best. After finishing a carb-rich lunch, all the energy goes to digestion, so we vegetate for hours before we get back to strength. After a light lunch, however, we can continue our work without any problems. It is also very important that our body gets food evenly throughout the day, so 2 larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) and 2 smaller meals a day may be ideal.

6. Gratitude Also Moves Mountains

Even in the midst of the greatest difficulties, everyone has moments in their lives that they can be grateful for. This is also important to see because researchers say that by noticing the good and the joyful, we increase our satisfaction by constantly tuning our attitudes toward life. A person full of gratitude always knows that there is no need to despair because there are stable points in his life that can help him mobilize his inner resources.

7. Dudes, Party

Without balanced, supportive friends, and social relationships, we will be lonely and grim hermits. It is not necessary to go cooking together, but a pleasant weekend program, an excursion, a card party, or a common cinema will also throw up the crowded, hard-working everyday life. If we are willing to decide to have fun, everything will go much easier in life.

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Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Diet, Just With Exercise?

Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Diet, Just With Exercise?

Many openly admit that “we live once!” they are reluctant to give up delicious snacks and torture themselves with a diet. In this case, however, you need to be very careful not to “get rid” of your diet and train really consciously!

Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Diet, Just With Exercise?
Is It Possible To Lose Weight Without Diet, Just With Exercise?

1. No More “Little Time” Excuses!

Basically, math is going to lose weight if you run into a calorie deficit, meaning you burn more calories a day than you eat. Since losing weight without a diet is your goal and you don’t want to save on intake, you need to increase your calorie burning.

This means that you should exercise at least (!) 3-4 times a week. Divide your weight training into muscle groups and work for only one larger muscle group a day. But do it well thoroughly, in about 60 minutes, which should include at least four or five exercises.

The rest time between sets should not exceed one minute. At the end of the reinforcement, cardio can come, which you will have to make friends with! It should be 30 to 60 minutes long, depending on your daily diet – and the amount of fat you want to lose.

2. Quality Work First And Foremost!

These at least 3 to 4 workouts a week should be extremely consciously put together, and you need to be prepared for this in your head. Before training, think about what you are going to do. Have a specific workout plan, see in front of you the full schedule from when you arrive at the gym (running the place, etc.), from warming up to stretching. Focus on what you are doing and the number of tasks should not be at the expense of quality.

3. Everything You Need, But In A Variety Of Ways!

It’s not like “I’m just cardio today, maybe tomorrow weights”. You need both to achieve a beautiful, toned, and tight figure, especially if you don’t support the processes with proper nutrition. At the same time, you need to be careful not to drown your workout in monotony.

Change the number of repetitions regularly during weight training. In one week or month, have a series with a high number of repetitions, up to over 50, in other cases use 10-12 repetitions. But you can also play by reducing your rest times. Or you can even use supersets when you do two tasks in a row without rest time for the same or opposite muscle group (for example, two biceps exercises or one biceps and one triceps exercise for arms training).

And with cardio training, switch machines or forms of exercise regularly so you won’t get bored. You can do this daily or weekly. But you can even spend 30-30 minutes on two different machines in one workout.

And the most obvious is playing with resistance or tempo, which is not only possible for 1 minute fast, 1 minute slow, but you can also try the pyramid method, for example. That is, you gradually increase the tempo, for example, every minute to the maximum, and then decrease it back in increments to the beginning.

4. Be An Explorer!

If you always use only exercise machines and one-handed dumbbells in the room, go one level and finally discover the other tools as well. It may seem at first that flexing the arm to the biceps with a hand barbell is the same as with a straight bar or French bar or kettlebell or rubber band, possibly resting the upper arm on a bench, etc. But in fact, each version treats the same muscle group a little differently,

Deploying a variety of tools is a great way to use supersets – say, do 10 arm bends with dumbbells and then 10 more with a rubber band. And then there’s the step-bench, the medical ball, the sandbag, the wheelbarrow, the gymstick, the TRX, and so on. Always stick to the same things. If you feel unsure about which tool to use regularly and effectively, search for videos on the web or ask your coach for help!

5. Trick A Little!

Losing weight without a diet can only be achieved by training to change your eating habits with a few small tricks – these can help control your appetite. First, drink a glass of water before each meal. Try to eat as slowly as possible, the brain needs time to sense if you are full. Eat vegetable and meat soups regularly.

A good minestrone soup not only warms you up in the cool of autumn but is also hearty. This way you get fuller sooner and you also help keep your fluid intake at the right level. Chew or brush your teeth regularly because the strong mint flavor will take away the taste of your food, so you won’t want them that much.

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Do You Know Why It Is Important To Get Enough Sleep? Here Is The Answer!

Do You Know Why It Is Important To Get Enough Sleep? Here Is The Answer!

A healthy adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep a day, compared to an average of 6 hours 40 minutes on weekdays and an average of 7 hours on weekends. That’s quite a bit. Depending on their age, children need even more sleep time, and they can take 11 to 18 hours off the day. With the right amount of sleep, we can be happier, more relaxed, stronger physically and mentally – and lose extra pounds faster. 

Do You Know Why It Is Important To Get Enough Sleep? Here Is The Answer!
Do You Know Why It Is Important To Get Enough Sleep? Here Is The Answer!

1. Depression, Against Insomnia

Kids tend to get up a little before falling asleep. As soon as the parent puts them to bed, they start bouncing, squealing, chasing. Then, of course, they pass into bed – at least, at least. It is important to put children to bed on time because a child who does not sleep regularly and satisfactorily as a child can become a depressed adult. Childhood insomnia can accompany a lifetime.

Those who sleep little in adulthood, possibly suffer from chronic insomnia, wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and are unable to fall back asleep, experience the days with difficulty. They can be depressed, upset, addicted to coffee or energy drinks, irritable, and in many cases even aggressive. Insomnia can cause severe mental illness.

2. For A Beautiful Face

After a good night’s sleep, looking in the mirror in the morning, a smooth, relaxed face looks back at us from the mirror. If you manage to sleep peacefully for 7-8 hours, there
will be no dark circles under your eyes, no gaze.

3. For Weight Loss

During sleep, hormones are released that regulate hunger, signaling to the brain at subsequent meals when we are eating well. The less we sleep, the less they can produce from them, so people who only sleep 5-6 hours on a regular basis are constantly tired and hungry, almost chirping. They are more likely to be obese and later suffer from high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. According to a survey, those who sleep at least 7 or more hours a day are 60 percent less likely to fall into one of the above conditions.

4. For Memorable Dreams

If we focus heavily on the moment we want to relive before falling asleep, it will almost certainly appear in our dreams. During the active period of dream sleep, the memories are very strongly recalled and almost re-lived.

5. For Better Performance

Most people are so excited before an important exam, event, presentation, or just an appointment that they can’t sleep. They feel that if they fall asleep, forget the curriculum, fall out of the rhythm of concentration, or simply fall asleep because of an overworked brain.

However, in such a case, we need to go to bed as early as possible to ensure that we have as much sleep as possible. If necessary, listen to soothing music, and drink a glass of honey, lukewarm milk, or some herbal soothing tea.

That way, we won’t bother our bodies with unnecessary insomnia, and resting after a good few hours of sleep will make our performance the next day much better. According to a survey, students who spent the night before their exams with plenty of sleep performed 56 percent better than those who studied, overwritten, or they may have gone through the night.

If you are trying to do an exercise in the evening and have a hard time, stop and lie down to sleep. If you wake up fresh again in the morning and focus on the task again, you will find that you can look at it from a completely different angle. Sleep clears thoughts, after waking up the brain works much more actively. It is no accident that they say: sleep on it!

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That Is Why Weight Training Is Important For Women

That Is Why Weight Training Is Important For Women

As a woman, many people are afraid of weight training, even without it there is no beautiful figure, or tight, toned muscles. Let’s see why it is worth incorporating regular weightlifting into your gym or home workout plan! 

That Is Why Weight Training Is Important For Women
That Is Why Weight Training Is Important For Women

Reduces Body Fat

By strengthening and increasing your muscles, it helps you burn more fat than before. The right fat-to-muscle ratio helps prevent abdominal obesity, which is one of
the most damaging health problems of our time due to the negative effects of visceral fats. Higher muscle ratio results in better metabolic processes, you burn more calories so you don’t starve even when you’re active.

Helps Protect Health

Anaerobic exercise trains the heart and also has a positive effect on endurance through improved circulation. It allows faster regeneration and strengthens the immune system while optimizing metabolic processes. Thus, it affects blood sugar levels, estrogen levels, and even overall hormone homeostasis.

Mentally, Spiritual Strengthen

Sports with weights give you a feeling of success while recharging your energy. Progress is measurable as you can move more and more weights and there is no need for an explanation, the numbers are not lying! At the end of a successful workout, you can feel like a real hero. Due to the concentration, the disconnection of the outside world, and the parallel favorable physiological processes, this form of movement can also play an important role in the treatment of mental and mental illnesses.

Building Community

Although weight training is an individual sport, it has strong community-building power. Whether you start training with a girlfriend or make new acquaintances on site, you will definitely benefit from this. Regular visitors already greet each other as friends.

Slows Down Muscle Loss

As you age, a person loses muscle mass naturally and at the same time slows down their metabolism, which can lead to further health problems. Weight training can slow down the aging process while keeping your body energetic. Over the age of 50, it is especially recommended to do weight training to maintain your body.

A Great Weapon Against Bone Failure

There is currently the no better way to prevent weight loss than to mention weight loss or to slow down the process if you develop a disease. It helps to incorporate the right nutrients and increases bone density. Muscles in good condition improve the sense of balance and coordination of movement, training shortens the reaction time, which helps prevent falling or tripping.

Promotes Visible Development

One of the great benefits of weight training is that you get results quickly with the right diet – and nothing motivates you better than your own development and the compliments you collect. You can set more and more goals without having a sense of failure.

More Safer When Working With Machines

In addition to free weights, it is worth mentioning machines, as this is the safest way to train with weights. Working on a fixed track reduces the risk of injury, and the machine works so that you can deviate as little as possible from the normal execution of tasks. Another advantage is that the isolation movement results in a better separation of muscle groups and a lower chance of unwanted overload.

Make You Confident

Weight training is the best way to build confidence, and your gait will be straighter and more confident. Try how much stronger you feel after a shorter and less intense weight training – even if you give it you’re all!

The most important aspect when choosing weights is that we can perform the task correctly. It often happens that we overdo it, which primarily reduces the effectiveness of the exercise, secondly, it is possible that we will end up not using the muscle group we want to load, and of course, the risk of injury is higher. Of course, applying less weight than necessary is also unfortunate, because if our muscles are not stimulated properly, we will not develop as expected.

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5 Simple Ways for Preventing Sports Injuries

5 Simple Ways for Preventing Sports Injuries

Injuries gained during workouts can be very painful and usually take a long time to fully recover.

If you accidentally get a sports injury, you get out of your training rhythm, your endurance decreases, and after recovery, you need a few weeks to regain your old shape. With proper preparation and attention, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents while training, so you should be aware of these things!

5 Simple Ways for Preventing Sports Injuries
5 Simple Ways for Preventing Sports Injuries
  • Always wear the right clothes and footwear for your current sport – it’s no coincidence that every sport has its own collection of clothes and shoes. In terms of their function, they help the movement associated with a given sport, making it much more efficient and safer to work.

  • Don’t forget to warm up thoroughly – our muscles and joints need a gradual move. The muscles will become warmer and more flexible, and the joint capsule will be filled with more fluid, helping bones to move alongside each other during the exercise.

  • It is important to do the right job – the basic rule is to learn how to perform the given movement or task correctly. With conscious training and regular exercises, you can avoid sports injuries and long-term problems such as cartilage wear.

  • Concentrate and pay attention to the signs of your body – sports should not be taken lightly, just a bad move is enough to get in trouble. Therefore, you should always be aware of your abilities, do not overdo it and if you feel dizzy, short of breath, or tremble, stop what you are doing. It’s not worth the risk.

  • Stretching – is often neglected, although it is just as important as warming up. During exercise, our muscles shorten and are therefore much more prone to tearing. During stretching, we help our muscles regain their original position, thus maintaining their flexibility and avoiding unpleasant stretches. Fluid Replenishment – The importance of adequate fluid intake cannot be overemphasized. Excessive fluid loss negatively affects performance. Don’t wait for the feeling of thirst, constantly replenish the lost amount of water!

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