How to Restart a Workout Routine After a Long Break

How to Restart a Workout Routine After a Long Break

If weeks or months have passed without sports, you will need to gradually get your body used to the load again.

What can you do if you’ve completely neglected exercise for a while now, but want to get back into regular exercise again? A fresh start in training, whether it’s a gym workout or an outdoor endurance sport, is based on gradation, and great care must be taken to ensure proper regeneration. Let’s look at some ground rules!

How to Restart a Workout Routine After a Long Break
How to Restart a Workout Routine After a Long Break

Back To The “Ring”!

Starting a workout again is always a bit difficult, but believe me, you will have the result!

  • For the first few weeks, do all-muscle exercises, moving from larger muscle groups to smaller ones.

  • Focus on basic exercises such as squatting, where more muscle is involved and involved in the exercise.

  • Pay attention to the regeneration and rest time! Do not exercise for two consecutive days at first, always take at least one day off!

  • If you’re past the transition period, you can split your muscle groups on different days, this is called a split workout, and in that case, you can have up to two or three training days without a day off.

Start Again Now!

In the fall, many are more prone to the gloom, and exercise is proven to prevent depression, depression. On the other hand, anyone who exercises regularly will have a stronger immune system, so they are more likely to avoid colds.

In addition, if you also play sports outdoors, the restart in training at this time, in the fall, is perhaps the most beautiful and enjoyable: hiking, (off-road) running – or a combination of the two, hiking – not only recharges your body but your soul. in gorgeous autumn nature!

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