
How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

I hear negative feedback from a lot of my middle-aged clients about the young staff interviewing them. Since the road leads to many jobs through them, here is a 3-point user guide for them:

It is undeniable that there are many young people among the professionals who make the selection. There are several reasons for this. One is that recruiting and interviewing is a very hard job. Anyone who works for a company in the HR field will try to transfer to another field after recruitment, such as training or HR projects, organizational development, etc.

How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?
How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview?

The consequence of this will be to entrust the “culinary work” – finding candidates, selecting CVs, and the first round of interviews – to young HR staff with recent graduates or a few years of experience. They are still happy to do it.

This can lead to the strange situation of a 25-year-old deciding the fate and suitability of a candidate aged 40-50-55 with serious life and professional experience.

3 tips on how to handle this job interview:

1) Don’t judge by age!

Perhaps this is one of the most important rules. Because if you don’t want to be judged by your age, you can’t do the same. There are certainly some among the young staff who are not (yet) suitable for the job. But there are many who do the work entrusted to them at a very high level, even at such a young age.

The point is not to judge first, because it will inadvertently have a negative effect on your entire attitude and radiation during the job interview!

2) Treat the HR employee as a partner!

Whether you are interviewing at an employment agency or directly at your employer, the road to your job is often through a 25-year-old staff member. Treat him as an equal partner, because if you like, he is your agent. This is especially true for job brokers: if they have already been called for a job interview, they are also interested in filling the job as soon as possible.

However, in order for him to be able to sell you to the outsourcing employer or to a professional manager within the company, you need to know, that you need to win for yourself. Because if you can achieve that, he will be arguing with you why you should be employed even though you are already 45 or 50 years old.

3) Don’t look for mistakes, help him!

God, how many outbursts have I heard from clients, and readers, that HR doesn’t even understand the job you’re looking for ?! This is certainly the case even with more experienced staff, not to mention young people.

Instead of making her feel disapproved of her, help her more! Help her by explaining the subtleties of the profession and helping her understand the job in detail! But you will be very grateful for that, and so you can make him your follower.

The biggest reservation for middle-aged people is often that they will not be able to fit into the company’s much younger workforce. If you assign or treat a young HR employee in a job interview, you are supporting precisely this negative bias.

Adapt to the situation!

Age discrimination is undeniably present in the labor market. But this is not the fault of the 25-30-year-old staff. Don’t overdo the situation by allowing room for the generational difference between you! Try to treat it as a partner, because it is in your best interests!

I know it’s hard. But look: you don’t send a young doctor to a warmer climate when you’re dealing with him. He is a doctor even if he has just passed the exam. You rely on your expertise because most of them aren’t where you happen to be.

How do you handle a 25-year-old HR in a job interview? Read More »

What are the causes of indecision? How to be more aware in decision situations?

What are the causes of indecision? How to be more aware in decision situations?

What are the causes of indecision? What characterizes an indecisive person? How to overcome indecision?

What characterizes an indecisive person?

There are two ways for both the indecisive and the decisive person.

The indecisive man, on the other hand, does not step on either path, he hopes that the two paths will one day become one.

It is characterized by procrastination, it cannot choose from the options. You can drag the decision to extremes or make a decision that can be easily overwritten later.

Sometimes you have a hard time making a decision, there is no problem with that, the problem starts when it becomes chronic.

Indecision can nestle in your everyday life and make it harder for you to make ends meet than just the big decisions in your life. Even the smallest things can set you back in progress.

What are the causes of indecision? How to be more aware in decision situations?
What are the causes of indecision? How to be more aware in decision situations?

Indecision stems from a lack of acceptance of the uncertainty of human existence. An indecisive person does not accept that life is about transient and constant change.

A series of life choices if you don’t live up to it will make your development very difficult.

From another point of view, indecision can also be interpreted as a bad habit that stems from internal fears.

What are the causes of indecision? What is causing the problem?

In many cases, some kind of trauma causes indecision. It may be necessary to go back to childhood to find the root cause.

1. Indecision due to anxiety

When an indecisive person is faced with more choices, it can easily become anxious.

He researches the possible solutions and runs the expected consequences several times. Then, however, he postpones decisions, he may not even decide, but stays in one place.

The condition from which he is unable to move makes him anxious.

Moreover, in the worst case, it passes the decision on to others, exposing itself to the outside world. In such cases, he is no longer in control of his own life, the direct consequence of which will be a spiritual crisis.

2. Indecision due to uncertainty

An indecisive person does not believe in himself, which is why he is insecure. Your lack of self-confidence can torment you with the constant worry that consumes a lot of energy.

Otherwise, he is constantly asking for the advice of others because he does not believe in his own strength. This also leads to vulnerability, as there are no independent decisions.

3. Fear of a bad decision

When you decide, there are always consequences. Possible scenarios could be analyzed indefinitely, which is a waste of energy. An indecisive person tends to walk into this trap.

He’s afraid he can’t handle the situations that await him. In an unfavorable case, you will be in an even worse situation than before.

This is when the mind plays to create situations that have not yet happened. The indecisive man is under the influence of this mind game that can paralyze him.

If you do not move out of a situation, you are blocking the opportunity for development yourself.

A bad decision doesn’t really exist, it’s just a decision and a consequence. When you get in an awkward position because of a decision, you’re actually gaining new experience. Nothing lasts forever, not even in uncomfortable situations.

What are the causes of indecision How to be more aware in decision situations
What are the causes of indecision How to be more aware in decision situations

4. Striving for perfection

The pursuit of perfection breeds indecision. The person feels that he is not good enough, in fact, he does not accept his less favorable qualities.

He also wants to see the perfect in the outside world, which makes it difficult to deal with unexpected situations as his world, which he thought was perfect, collapses. He would keep everything under control and have a constant feeling of inner dissatisfaction in him.

The pursuit of perfection can also stem from toxic parent-child relationships. For example, a person has received too strict an education or has met unfulfilled expectations.

Because of this, you will have high expectations of yourself and your environment as an adult.

What characterizes a person with decision-making power? How is he different?

A decision-making person is able to put down a vote for a decision without anxiety and relatively easily. He feels inner strength and trusts in his own abilities.

1. Has a good self-knowledge

He who knows himself knows what is good for him.

A person who knows himself assumes his qualities, whether positive or negative. He controls his life, he sees change as a natural process. You know that life is about making decisions.

You can position yourself well in the world, you have your own path along which to move forward. It follows that he is able to make decisions.

2. You have self-confidence

Self-confidence is a prerequisite for self-confidence. When I know what’s good for me, there’s no doubt about it, so it’s easier to make a decision.

A person full of self-confidence is able to make a decision, he does not doubt himself. Before making a decision, at must think about which will be the best option for him.

What are the causes of indecision How to be more aware in decision situations
What are the causes of indecision How to be more aware in decision situations

3. Accept and manage the state of uncertainty

It is not possible to know for sure the outcome of a decision before making a decision. A person with good judgment is able to endure a state of uncertainty.

There is also the possibility of error in the uncertainty, which is what the decisive person calculates.

Before making a decision, you can think about the options and what to do. When the decisive person does everything in his preparations, his conscience will be clear. In addition, he accepts his own limitations and knows that he cannot control everything.

4. It does not strive for perfection at all costs

He who does not strive for perfection assesses his own performance well and does not overdo it. It maintains the right balance of work and rest and does not pursue the illusion of perfection.

He who is never satisfied with himself will never be happy.

Nothing can be perfect, the decisive person knows this well. As a result, it is easier to accept your own mistakes and overcome failures sooner.

5. Accept realities

A decisive person accepts his or her current life and tries to make the most of it. He is not bothered by waiting, he knows that it takes time to succeed and achieve goals.

You can assess your own possibilities well, your expectations of yourself are not unrealistic, so you will not be disappointed.

6. You have well-defined goals

One of the secrets of success is a well-defined goal, and continuous decisions are needed to achieve this.

A decisive person trusts himself and dares to change his life. Your goals are achievable and well-timed. You know that your decisions empower you to achieve your goals.

Can indecision be overcome?

It can be overcome, of course, but it requires persistence and hard work. First, the root causes need to be sought, even with the help of a professional.

To eliminate indecision, it is important to get to know yourself and rewrite the toxic programs that run inside you.

Indecision is a bad habit, it takes a lot of practice to overwrite it.

Let’s take a look at some practical tips to help with this!

Tips for overcoming indecision

  • Strive not for the perfect, but for the optimal, the option that already fills you with satisfaction!
  • Accept that you can’t make a perfect decision!
  • Practice your decision, you will save a lot of time and energy from worrying! It’s worth starting with the little things first.
  • Set yourself a priority list for your goals.
  • Start paying attention to yourself and your inner voice instead of the outside world!

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8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

The economic and health situation caused by the coronavirus poses challenges for all companies. In the Many Countries and world press, we can read a number of estimates about how many jobs will be lost in the coming period.

In the Americas, for example, the number of people registered for unemployment benefits has increased tenfold, and approx. Unemployment is predicted at 20-30%. It is also difficult to guess what economic processes this situation will trigger, but we can also expect redundancies and layoffs of a certain volume, similar to the 2008-2009 global economic crisis, to those companies that were not affected by the crisis in the first place. The question is: can we do something as an employee to keep our job, or is it better to prepare for the worst?

8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace
8 Tips That Could Save Lives at Your Workplace

Stay away from me to humanize it, but there’s a familiar joke here: Two people are gangling peacefully in the jungle when a lion suddenly jumps out of the bush and starts chasing them. They rush with pure force, and one of them begins to shout desperately: 

– Hey, man, we have no chance of surviving! The lion is a hundred times faster than both of us. Needless to run, he’ll catch up with us anyway! 

To the other’s voice, 
“I have no idea of ​​competing with the lion.” I don’t have to leave the lion, just you… 

A bit polarized, but that’s pretty much the current situation with layoffs. Not everyone will be sent (at least not from most companies), but downsizing is expected in many places. What can you do to keep yourself from scattering? Here is an 8 point action plan! 
Attention! The tips are mainly for those who still have a job and a previous job!

8 tips to keep your job even in times of crisis

1) Be proactive!

Every crisis is also a serious test for the company manager (also). In this case, a so-called power vacuum: the boss’s attention is 100% captured by the crisis. You have to make quick decisions, you have to manage new and new problems that arise on a daily basis, and the previous normal course of business is legally pushed into the background by all managers. Which employee will come out well from the new lineup? The one who doesn’t need to be teased, the one who doesn’t need to be held accountable, checked, does his job without it. 

So first and foremost: strive for creative ideas, do your job independently and reliably! Put yourself even better in the next period and help your company and team proactively! 

2) Focus on your work!

In addition to a lot of negative news and uncertainty, people also tend to panic and worry about their own worries during working hours. Unfortunately, this will sooner or later be reflected in the performance, which, let’s face it, is not a very lucky point at a time when everyone would have to do the job a thousand percent. 

Don’t let the negative vortex take you too! Eliminate panic and helpless anxiety during your work hours! Focus on what you can influence and don’t let your braincheck your performance!

3) Be flexible!

If we are comfortable with it, if not, companies will be forced to redraw jobs and give new tasks to regarded employees in the next period. There will be those who will protest against it hand in hand. 

This will now be NOT the “not my business” period, NOT the “not included in my job description” period. I also advise you that if you entrust your boss with a new task, do not bargain with him, do it to the best of your knowledge. 

4) Talk to your boss.

Many people choose the tactic that when times are tougher for the company, they tend to hide. Don’t have to confront, don’t have to be mindful, don’t have to report. “Until they see it, there’s nothing wrong.” – This is not a good survival strategy, in fact! 

Feel free to find your boss, ask him for advice, ask what you can possibly help. Ask him for feedback so you know what he expects from you in the new situation. And even talk to him a little bit about the company’s situation. He may not be able to tell you a lot of extra information, but feel free to search and even ask him for new assignments. The point is to be mindful and communicate!

5) Be a cohesive force!

Most companies have switched to working from home, which can be quite a challenge for a community. Take advantage of this period and be the one to hold the team together with a little better. Even if the boss is in a telephone consultation all day, he put out the fire, you can be the one to talk to the others, call them, help them. 

If this task is not very far from you, feel free to take on the role of coordinator, teammate, and non-intrusive, but a bit of a mouthpiece.

6) Keep in touch with the outside world!

In any crisis situation, regular communication with the outside world is very important. What does the outside world mean? If you’re in a relationship with customers, you’re on the one hand (according to your job opportunities) your customers and, above all, your boss. Many don’t see it that way, but the most important customer of every employee is their boss. And it’s never enough to “just” work hard, you have to be able to show it to your leader! This will be even more so now.

I’m not telling you to learn from politicians :), but I do suggest that you start reporting to your leader at least once a week. Make a summary, even if you don’t expect it to!

7) Pay attention to the internal job opportunities!

Even during the deepest crisis (at least for most of the companies on their feet), internal jobs are constantly being filled. If you see that your job (whatever you do) is in jeopardy, on the one hand, put 100% of the work into it nonetheless, and on the other hand, be on the lookout for positions within the company. 

Try to position yourself so that you have a chance to fill another job within the company that you may find more secure.

8) Consider the situation of your company!

One of the most important keys to survival is not to put your head in the sand! Don’t wait for a miracle, rather keep track of your company’s realistic situation. You can’t get out of a crisis with a blindfold!

If you see a ship sinking, if it’s obvious that the entire company is in danger, start preparing for the shift in time. All this is not a let down, just be ready to jump!

So this is an 8 basic guide to survival. Of course, even so, there is no guarantee that your job will definitely escape the crisis. But if you follow these few rules, you’re much more likely that if you have to send one of two people to management, you won’t have a choice. 

Remember: change carries dangers, but it also offers opportunities

If you look only at the bigger picture, even politics / economic policy, you can always see in a crisis situation how sharply you can get stuck and how well you can get out of a situation.

You can make good decisions in the long run, but you can even decide on a complete career in an instant. Here is e.g. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo v Donald Trump case

While Trump speaks out stupidly about the coronavirus and virtually no longer knows how to cry or laugh at it, it has become completely unbelievable about Cuomo, how honest, supportive, and vain New York is one of the focal points of the virus in the US In, the governor is one of the greatest examples that can respond well to it.

While Trump is constantly undermining himself, Cuomo has practically rebuilt himself, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he got into a higher position after the crisis at lightning speed.

The analogy may be a little strong, but it’s pretty much the same now in the workplace: a crisis is a threat, but it’s also an opportunity for you to jump out.

If you can stay loyal in a situation like this, if you do your job well, make good decisions and prove it, they can very easily notice you now. And when the crisis is over, you may even find yourself in a higher position than where you were before.

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40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

What important relationship questions are there that are good for you to ask yourself and your partner? How can this help in problematic situations?

Relationship issues and conversations are designed to make your relationship as harmonious as possible.

Did you talk to your partner today? Now I am not thinking about the weather and the news, but about your soul. Did you tell him about your feelings, the processes going on in your soul?

A balanced relationship requires really deep and honest conversations. In this writing, I have gathered questions for you that are worth asking yourself and your partner from time to time.

Why, when, and in what phases is it worth asking the following relationship questions?

Continuous communication within a relationship is very important. Not only its existence but also it’s quality.

There are levels of communication that range from stenciled, factual statements to in-depth conversations. It is the name of Gary Smalley, an American couple and family therapist, who developed the levels of communication.

  1. Level of templates. Superficial, distant conversation, including “ How are you?” types of issues. This level is for communication.
  2. Level of facts. We give the other information about what happened to us that day, but without emotion.
  3. Level of opinion. At this level, you can learn about your partner’s goals, desires, and fears.
  4. Level of emotions. Here you are more open to your partner, but you still have the fear of rejection.
  5. Level of intimate communication. Honest, open, loving communication. At this level, you can actually get to know each other.

Relationship questions are worth asking each other on a regular, daily basis. It also helps deepen the relationship between you, respect each other, and trust.

With regular conversations, you can avoid chilling out, have less conflict between you, and be aware of your partner’s real needs.

The purpose of related questions is to reach the level of intimate communication together and really get to know each other.

How can these relationship questions help you?

  • You get to know your partner and yourself better.
  • Relationship issues are an opportunity to deepen your relationship.
  • You can get new information about your partner, you can see it from a different perspective.
  • There may be things on the surface that you didn’t even expect about your partner.
  • Honesty, discovering the deepest secrets of your soul, builds the trust between you.
  • It’s easier to get over difficult situations because you know each other.
  • Conflict management between you will be more effective.
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

40 important relationship issues for a harmonious life

Here are 40 relationship questions designed to help you build deep connections and build trust with each other.

1. What do you like about yourself?

It is an important question because self-love is the starting point. When one does not love and respects oneself, one will not receive love and respect from one’s partner.

2. What do you like about your couple?

It sure is! It’s good to signal these qualities to your partner, it will only strengthen him and the relationship between you as well.

3. How do you feel when you think of your partner?

Feelings do not lie, the first thoughts and feelings always come from the depths of your soul. Watch the feelings you develop as you think of your partner.

4. What did you learn from your partner?

The essence of all human relationships is to develop and get to know yourself as much as possible. Your partner is your mirror, pointing out the things you just have to learn.

5. What did you teach your partner?

You to act as a mirror for your couple. When you show him a new perspective, you pass on knowledge to him. Give a very good thing!

6. Why are you proud of your partner?

When you are proud of someone, it indicates that you respect and accept him.

7. What are the qualities that your partner would need to improve on?

It is also important how much these qualities bother you and how much they threaten the stability of the relationship.

8. What are the qualities you would need to improve on?

This is a question of self-knowledge, perhaps these are the most difficult questions because they require mirroring.

9. Which trait of your partner bothers you the most?

If you have any of these qualities, you should report them to your partner as soon as possible.

10. In your opinion, which of your qualities disturbs your partner the most?

Ask yourself this question first, then ask your partner. Will you think the same thing?

11. How are you similar?

The like, the like attracts! A love affair is based on a similar outlook on life, without which your relationship will not work in the long run.

12. How are you different?

Of course, we are not exactly the same. It’s worth collecting the qualities that set you apart.

13. To what extent do you agree on the relevant issues?

This is perhaps one of the most important issues in a relationship. Because of the difference between your views is too great, long-term cooperation will not take place either.

14. How do you deal with stressful situations together?

In stressful situations, relationships are measured.

15. When was the last time you were really happy with your partner?

Hopefully, you will be able to answer this question in a fraction of a second.

16. Which moment you spent with your partner would you relive?

When you recall a fond memory in yourself, pleasant feelings permeate it again.

17. Can your couple make you laugh?

Humor is also an essential part of a relationship. It helps you to experience and enjoy the present moment.

18. Can you make your partner laugh?

It’s good to give back to your partner the cheerful moments he got from him.

19. What are the leisure activities you both enjoyed?

Relaxation and recharging are important in life. Time spent together is also important in a relationship.

20. Do you feel that your relationship is developing?

Development and change are the foundation of a relationship. A well-functioning relationship ensures self-knowledge and the opportunity for constant development.

21. What common goals have you achieved together?

Man is a communal being, he needs to experience a sense of belonging. This can also be experienced within a relationship. Every success achieved together strengthens the relationship.

22. What are your common goals for the future?

This is a very important relationship issue, it is important that you keep in one direction.

23. What would you definitely like to try out in the company of your partner?

You definitely have desires and dreams that you want to realize with your partner. Does he already know about these desires?

24. Is your partner the first person you tell if something very important has happened in your life?

It is also a basic human need to tell others what has happened. Who is it to whom you first reveal the important experiences of your life? It reveals a lot.

25. When your friends ask about your partner, do you answer them honestly?

Is there anything you feel you should cover-up? If so, it indicates you still have work to do with acceptance.

26. Do you discuss the most important things with each other?

Communication is very important within a relationship. Many times you may think you know for sure what’s going on in your partner’s mind because you already know him. Then, after a conversation, it turns out the exact opposite is going on in him.

27. Do you give feedback to your partner if you may be offended?

It is important that you indicate your needs. Tell your partner honestly exactly what was going on inside of you when it did something that hurt you!

28. Will your partner honestly tell you if you hurt him?

When you find that you prefer to contain your grievances, encourage him to open up to you! This will strengthen mutual trust.

29. How often do you have deep conversations?

Another important topic is relationship issues. The trust mentioned above can be consolidated through regular and honest conversations.

30. Are there any secrets you keep in front of your partner?

Secrets are exciting at first but can break up the relationship later. It is a relief when it is no longer necessary to cover up something. Because hiding a secret also requires energy from you.

31. Have you ever lied to your partner?

What was the reason for this? Recall this event to yourself and what it had to do with it.

32. Has your partner lied to you yet?

If so, what did he lie to you about? Also, ask him what happened to him when he lied!

33. Do you trust each other to the maximum?

Trust is essential. Ask each other this question by looking into each other’s eyes. Then listen to how you feel.

34. Have you ever been jealous of your partner?

Behind the jealousy is the fear of losing the connection, which stems from not feeling good enough, and not trusting your abilities enough.

35. Do you have enough intimacy?

It is very important that you share your innermost feelings with each other. Failure to do so may result in chills.

40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

36. What is your sex life like?

Honesty and communication are also essential in this regard. Indicate your needs openly.

37. Are there situations where you understand each other without words?

Are there situations where you manage to tune in so much that it is unnecessary to speak out? If so, that’s a good sign, because that’s when the sense of belonging grows stronger.

38. Have you ever thought during your relationship that it would be better to break up?

Within a connection, the ups and downs are natural. It’s worth looking at what triggered the idea of ​​a breakup.

39. Can you imagine being with your partner for the rest of your life?

Do your values ​​and your purpose in life match? What is important to you? What is important to him?

40. How do you feel when you think about your common future?

When you ask yourself this question, just pay attention to the feelings that are developing in you!

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Why Is It Important To Communicate Well With People?

Why Is It Important To Communicate Well With People?

There are plenty of situations in every area of ​​life where almost everything depends on how we communicate. Think of job interviews, company discussions, conflicts at home, or even raising children.

That’s why we’re devoting an entire module to communication at the soon-to-be-launched Guerrilla Mentor Club. And in this article, as a first step, I want to share some basics of win-win communication with you.

Why Is It Important To Communicate Well With People?
Why Is It Important To Communicate Well With People?

Any businessman with a great career will be asked, “ What’s the secret to success?” question is almost certain to be answered: you need to be able to communicate well! It’s not enough that you have a bombastic idea or you have a super understanding of something, you also need to be able to convince others of that.

Just a few situations where communication is key

  • In a job interview – but in any exam situation – you need to be able to show that you are a good, fit for the job.
  • In the workplace, you need to be able to say no, represent yourself and your ideas, and you need to learn to work with your co-workers.
  • In your private life, you have to please yourself with the great Him, you have to conquer your future partner.
  • Day by day, you need to understand yourself with your children, your narrower and wider environment.
  • In a conflict, you need to be able to argue confidently, to clear up misunderstandings.
  • And if a negotiation situation arises – e.g. you want to raise your salary – you need to learn to present your values ​​and results convincingly. 

There is still plenty to go on, one thing is for sure: effective communication can be a turning point in many cases and even the key to your career

But what does it mean to communicate well? 

Communicating well is all it takes to communicate assertively. Yes, but there are still a lot of misconceptions about self-assertion. These are good for nothing more than to constantly overwhelm yourself, and be dissatisfied and unhappy. Let’s look at just the 3 most common misconceptions!

Myth # 1 Communicating for yourself = being self-conscious.

Myth # 2 Communicate assertively = suppress the other, always win.

Myth # 3 Communicate assertively = either say yes or no.

In contrast, the reality is that self-advocacy is never a competition! To enforce your will, you don’t necessarily have to lose the other, in fact! Effective communication is practically a kind of balance , the point is to express your needs while taking into account the needs of the other. 

So you can only bring something to the negotiating table if you know what your needs are, you know what you want, what you don’t want, and you can represent that.

Here’s a quick communication checklist! 

Please think about your last work or private conversation in which you wanted to convince the other party of something! Can you put a checkmark behind these questions? 

  • Do I know what I want to achieve and what I don’t want to achieve? Am I aware of my purpose in the conversation?
  • Did I make it clear to the other what I wanted?
  • Did I just pay attention to myself or the other one? 
  • Do I claim or ask?
  • Can I articulate, and recount the other’s specific needs?
  • Do I see clearly what he is recommending to me? Did I match my own needs?
  • Is there a condition under which I can accept your other offer? 

If so, you can be sure that you are on the right track and you have every chance to end the “negotiation” with a win-win outcome. If not, then no problem, communication is one of the skill areas that can be super developed. Here, too, the only point is: don’t let your poorly functioning routines lead you.

Why Is It Important To Communicate Well With People? Read More »