
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

What is creativity? How creative are we? What facts are worth knowing about creativity?

Creativity is a concept that can be approached from many sides. Nevertheless, most people classify themselves into two groups, creative and non-creative.

Would it really be that simple to define the concept of creativity?

What is the concept of creativity?

Creativity is based on novel ideas that create original, innovative things and objects. During problem-solving operations, the discovery of new connections creates a creative idea, a product.

In an innovative way, the creative person approaches the tasks to be solved in an unusual way. We can also characterize the creative person and the object of the work with the creative adjective.

It can manifest itself in any field, be it the arts, the sciences, or everyday life.

What characterizes a creative person?

Creativity is a complex and complex thing, made up of many factors. Our lives are diverse, so there is an almost endless repository of qualities characteristic of imaginative people.

However, there are some criteria that surround creative people:

  • they have novel and above-average thoughts;
  • have a problem sensitivity, they quickly notice hidden flaws;
  • flexible, able to approach problems from several perspectives;
  • original, able to give differently than average answers in one situation;
  • resourceful and resourceful;
  • have a desire for knowledge and a high degree of curiosity;
  • they have initiative;
  • they are characterized by strong mental and physical activity;
  • they think independently, do not follow patterns;
  • are able to make spontaneous decisions;
  • they face situations of uncertainty as a challenge;
  • persistent and hardworking;
  • they are characterized by the exemption from compromise;
  • they can feel the solution, they use their intuition.
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

Why is creativity so important these days?

In the 21st century, things are changing fast, so whoever has the flexibility will take the barriers more easily. Flexibility is one of the main components of creativity.

Continuous renewal brings with it the release of old duties and the birth of new solutions. It is necessary to look at our activities from another angle, this is one of the keys to success in our present lives.

In the past, a system operated for hundreds of years, for generations. Today’s trends show that one who is able to innovate continuously will be successful.

Continuous renewal requires problem-solving, which can only be effective if we think of more than one scheme.

The creative person can gain a great advantage because he is looking for several possible solutions to a problem. Let your thoughts soar and you can deviate from the usual solutions.

The decisions of an innovative person do not come from fear, as they dare to experiment and innovate, thanks to which they have different experiences than the average.

25 exciting facts about creativity

1. Who is the father of creativity theory?

Many researchers have dealt with creativity, and a wealth of theories have emerged on the subject. However, the name of JP Guilford (1897 – 1988) is worth mentioning.

According to Guilford, with creativity, we create ideas, coupled with divergent thinking, that are both new and useful.

In divergent thinking, we look for several possible solutions to the problem.

In contrast, convergent thinking is more about trying to come up with a single good solution.

2. Are we born with different creativity?

It is a gift born of us, it cannot be said that we are born with a different or exactly the same level of creativity.

The ability to be creative is there for everyone, the only question is how much that person realizes it. Anyone can become a creative person, this process depends on the decisions they make in their life.

3. Can creativity be measured?

In fact, it is difficult and impossible to get accurate data, or only from a certain segment. There are creativity tests, but they can only be used for sub-areas.

Each topic is different, different life situations can develop, everywhere different skills are needed to create.

25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

4. What determines how creative someone is according to astrology?

When examining individual horoscopes, there are positions that assume creativity.

I emphasize here that they assume because only talking to that person gives an answer to how much you use your creativity.

One of the foundations of Chinese astrology is the doctrine of the five elements. Talents belong to each element, creativity belongs to the tree element. Anyone who has a wooden element in their formula has a stronger susceptibility to creativity.

An astrologer can draw the interviewer’s attention to the fact that creativity can be one of the keys to happiness.

5. Can Creativity show in anything?

In works of art, even in different thoughts. The common denominator is that the person approaches from a different perspective than their environment. This feature can be striking, highlighting it from the average.

The creative person is looking and curious, wanting to understand things. He does not accept commonplaces but goes after their reality.

6. What are the personality traits of a creative person?

Some qualities that characterize creative and innovative people:

  • active, active but able to relax;
  • can cling to known reality;
  • he often dreams;
  • able to move on the ground of imagination and imagination and reality at the same time;
  • he loves his job passionately;
  • respects authority but is also rebellious;
  • the pursuit of change and the desire for freedom;
  • independence.

7. What does divergent thinking mean?

Divergent thinking seeks as many possible solutions to a problem as possible.

Convergent thinking, by contrast, seeks only one hopeful answer.

A divergent-minded person is able to discover connections between seemingly independent, unrelated elements. This kind of different mindset is much more common in children.

25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

8. What are divergent abilities?

  • Flexibility: do not stick to proven solutions.
  • Originality: trying out unusual ideas at first.
  • Lightness: the freedom to draw conclusions.
  • Sensitivity: to detect where there is a problem, to see the cause of the problem.

9. Creativity and times of day: who is most creative and why?

There is research that confirms that we are the most creative in our dreams.

There is nothing impossible in our dreams, at which point our imaginations can soar. Even during sleep, our brains do intense work, thanks to which the ideas will come the next day.

Maybe it’s not a coincidence to say, sleep on one!

10. Is it possible to develop creativity?

Yes, it can be improved, of course, but like everything else, developing creativity requires time and continuous practice.

The consequence of a serious energy investment has its steps, no matter what the area.

  • The first step is to obtain the information and then process it.
  • Then we systematize the data we get, then we develop a plan, and finally, we take the path of action.

This mechanism is characteristic of the process of all creative activity.

11. Do challenges really develop creativity?

As it turned out from the previous point, your creativity is trained through practice.

Combining knowledge from unknown fields also develops creativity. New situations create new experiences.

If you want to develop your creativity, make it a habit to overcome challenges.

12. Does a creative person need more energy?

The answer to the question is: you don’t need more energy.

Let’s look at an example of attachment. For those who cling to something, clinging itself takes away a lot of energy, while even blocking the possibility of development.

The creative person, on the other hand, does not insist but is open to things. He likes to develop, which, while it comes to investing in energy, as the previous few lines have shown, is also an attachment.

13. How much more creative are we in our childhood?

The level of childhood creativity has been examined in several studies. The conclusion was that non-creative behavior is shaped by the learning outcomes of society and the current organization of the school system.

Let’s see what percentage of our creativity we use at certain stages of our lives!

  • Between 3 and 5 years of age: 98%.
  • Between 10 and 15 years of age: 30%.
  • At the age of 15: 12%.
  • In adulthood: only 2%.
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

14. Why would it be important to teach children to think creatively?

Here are some examples of the positive benefits of creative thinking supported in childhood:

  • their problem-solving ability increases;
  • they become curious, thereby gaining knowledge;
  • they will have a fantasy with unusual ideas;
  • they will boldly represent their own position;
  • question things accepted by others;
  • they more easily embark on the path to self-realization in adulthood.

15. Can children’s playfulness be maintained with creativity?

Yes, since a child is inherently creative.

Let’s look at some principles from a parental perspective that can maintain childhood ease in later life:

  • do not correct your mistake, but try to lead to a solution;
  • do not be an educator, but give advice and experience;
  • do not have rigid expectations of him;
  • do not want to defeat him;
  • if you think differently, don’t suppress your thoughts so you dare to use your creative power later;
  • praise his productivity.

The good thing about life is that you can learn from anyone. Watch your child, talk to him or her to see if he or she says something that inspires you, so you can smuggle playfulness into your own life as well.

16. Does encouragement and praise help maintain creativity?

Yes, this can be established especially in childhood.

It is characteristic of today’s society that praise is lacking in the performance of duties, and in the case of incomplete problem-solving, negative criticism comes immediately.

It is very important that we praise our children because that is how we base our faith in ourselves. Without this, creativity cannot unfold in it.

Of course, it is important to keep the middle ground, because excessive praise is not beneficial either.

Recognition is good for everyone in the depths of their souls, so it’s good to keep that habit in adulthood. When we have successfully completed a task, we should also pat ourselves on the back.

17. What processes does creativity initiate in us?

By regularly applying creative qualities, you can embark on a path of self-improvement. The regular innovative activity develops openness and flexibility in us.

We become open to anything that can happen in life. This helps us to cope more easily in unexpected situations.

25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

Because we are open and don’t think of just one solution, progress is also possible in recognizing problems. We will see where the error is within a given system.

Our creativity is also evolving, and we can even overwrite old mechanisms or create new structures.

18. What areas of life are most affected by creativity?

You can meet creative people in any area of ​​life, not just in the artist world. It is generally true that imaginative thinking, a sense of style, flexibility, and ingenuity are also required to work innovatively.

In fact, creativity is found in all professions, so I don’t single out a single occupation.

The most important thing is to have ambition in whatever area of ​​your life. It also brings with it the look of creativity.

19. Is spontaneity characteristic of a creative person?

Spontaneity requires flexibility and adaptability, these two qualities are also common in creative people.

Spontaneity, however, is disappearing from our present life because we plan everything, and our time is divided. Planning things creates control in our lives that put us within limits.

That’s why it’s worth bringing a little spontaneity into our everyday lives and not overdoing the tasks.

What will happen then? Nothing special, we just get new experiences.

20. Do weird ideas develop creativity?

The main essence of creativity is to create novel things, so weird ideas can be said to have a positive effect on our creativity.

Just let your thoughts flow. It’s worth writing down your ideas so you can recall them later.

The restraining force, in this case, is usually the opinion of the outside world. The advice is not to be ashamed of your ideas in front of others, take them on. If they talk you out of realizing your novel thoughts, don’t back down.

Focus on practical feasibility and experience your own creative energies!

21. Do the questions we ask ourselves help us to come up with creative solutions?

A topic can be approached from many sides, new things can be found in everything. Imaginative ideas are also born when we run new perspectives on ourselves.

You may want to create new questions and then look for answers to them. This article is also structured in this way, this method can be used in all cases.

25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity
25 Known Facts You Should Know About Creativity

22. What is the relationship between self-improvement and creativity?

Complex, unpredictable, and ambiguous situations develop our creativity. Meanwhile, our character is also evolving, so innovative solutions automatically bring with their individual progress.

Self-improvement and creativity, so go hand in hand, are a close connection between the two.

23. Who cares about creativity?

Man is basically a creative being, so in the depths of his soul, creativity is important to everyone. Why don’t we use this capability?

It’s mostly social habits and the school system that gets us used to imaginative approaches.

That’s why we dare to open up to novel things. One can live oneself to the fullest if one has independent thoughts and makes one’s own decisions. These, in turn, require creativity.

24. To what levels can creativity be developed?

Human life is about development, we can always learn something new. Based on this, there are no limits to the development of creativity.

Allow yourself to unfold, because that is how what is already within you can come to the surface.

25. Does the environment around us affect our creativity?

Yes, because you need to get inspired from somewhere. Nowadays, the internet has pushed the boundaries quite a bit, so there are opportunities to unfold.

The narrower environment also affects us, bringing something out of us. Does this serve our development or destroy us? It is important to examine this and observe our own role in the immediate environment.

It’s worth surrounding yourself with creative and inspiring people because they help your development.

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Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Do you know what self-concept is and how important it is in your life?

Sooner or later in your life, the time will come when you will ask yourself the question: who am I?

There are those who prefer to postpone this question, even though deep in their souls they are preoccupied with the meaning of life. Some people have been researching themselves all their lives because they want to know who they really are.

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer to this question?

When you know your true self, managing your life also becomes easier. Defining your identity gives you a sure starting point to return to in any difficult life situation.

When you know your limits, you are aware of your abilities, you know where you are going, you are going your own way. You are aware of what brings you inner peace and happiness.

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?
Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

How to get here? Only through your experience can you realize who you really are. The experience is given to you by the path of self-knowledge, which is about overcoming your fears, as you can really improve during the competitions.

What does the concept of self mean? Why is it decisive?

The self-concept consists of three components, these are my ideal, my self-image, and my self-esteem.

My ideal is the imagined person you want to be. It has features that you find useful, often carrying the characteristics of your role models.

The self-image is what you really are and how you consider yourself to be. Luckily, self-image and reality coincide.

The degree of your self-esteem depends on the distance between your ideal and your self-image. The more realistic your ideal and self-image are, the more likely you are to find your inner peace.

It is important that my ideal and self-image are addressed in place.

If you place excessive expectations on yourself, the difference between my ideal and my self-image will increase. As a result, you may set goals that are unrealistic for you to achieve.

What are the benefits of knowing the answer to a question? What are the disadvantages, if not?

Who am I? I know the answer!

The quality of your life is largely determined by knowing yourself.

It also affects the quality of your human relationships, your development, and your ability to resolve conflicts, if you know who you really are.

  • You know your positive and negative qualities, you take on yourself.
  • You are aware and well-assessed of your own boundaries, and you are even aware that these boundaries can be expanded.
  • You realistically assess your situation and know which qualities you need to use to achieve your goals.

Who am I? I do not know the answer!

In this case, all areas of life are at a disadvantage or against someone who knows themselves. Why is this happening? The answer is that you don’t care enough about yourself.

It is characteristic of the society of the present age that people pay attention almost only to things in the outside world. They forget to observe their inner world, though understanding the soul is key.

Who am I Why is it important to know the answer
Who am I Why is it important to know the answer

Due to a lack of awareness, unhappiness and incompetence characterize the lives of many people. They are reluctant to put energy into getting to know themselves, I think there are two main reasons behind this.

One reason is that they are not taught how to do this. The other factor is fear because when they get closer to their hard-to-accept parts, they run away from the challenges.

When you run away from the challenges, you don’t even gain experience, so you can’t know who you really are. As a result, you may misjudge your place in the world.

You may be disappointed, you may have conflicts with yourself and the environment around you.

Who am I really? How can you get closer to the answer?

1. Observe your behavior, feelings, reactions

This is the first step to understanding yourself. Most people usually ask themselves questions when they are in a difficult situation or don’t understand something. You can only reveal who you are by asking yourself questions.

The question may rightly arise in you: how do I do it? Create a peaceful environment around you, it is best if you are alone at this time and you are not affected by the outside world.

Take a look at one of the areas of your life!

  • What kind of life do you want in the future?
  • Are you happy with your current life or would you change it?
  • If change is needed, how can you do it?
  • Do you do the job you love?
  • Are you having a good time in your relationship?
  • How are you feeling right now?

Without claiming to be exhaustive, I have listed a few questions, of course, the line could still be continued.

Then answer the questions you have asked yourself. It is recommended to answer in writing so that you can recall your thoughts later on.

2. Know what a social comparison is and handle it in place

With the help of social comparison, you are able to place yourself in the world. When you compare yourself to others, feelings arise in you.

What are these feel like? Observe this for yourself!

In the event that you experience a feeling of lack during such a comparison, it may already provide you with useful information. You can recognize what is missing, and what could be changed.

It is also important who you compare yourself to.

When you compare your life to very different people from you, you can easily feel negative feelings and disappointments. For example, if you’re a 40-year-old office worker, it’s not worth comparing yourself to a 20-year-old pop star.

Rather, compare yourself to people closer to you in age and lifestyle. This will give you a more accurate picture of yourself and the areas of life where you need to improve.

3. Face yourself

Asking yourself questions and mapping your place in the world is a good place to start.

Can you look in the mirror now? Can you accept each of your properties?

Full acceptance is fraught with difficulties because you will face unpleasant and painful realizations.

Many people take this step because it is really stressful, especially spiritually. In the absence of sweaty work, however, there will be no results either.

Who am I Why is it important to know the answer
Who am I Why is it important to know the answer

4. Take the path of action

The question “who am I” can only be answered in practice. After mapping yourself, you already have the theoretical knowledge you need to use for your development.

Fears are natural, but I encourage you to dare to cut into what you are afraid of. Changes are always preceded by crises, this is inevitable.

Only through successful battles can you reach self-knowledge, solid self-confidence, and a state of inner calm.

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer? Read More »

14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

What is a good parent-child relationship? Why is it important to build a good relationship, what kind of damage and difficulties can a deteriorating relationship cause?

The parent-child relationship affects your whole life, and the foundation for it begins in infancy.

This relationship is a deep attachment that greatly affects your personal development.

  • What does a parent need to pay attention to in order to develop a healthy relationship between themselves and their child?
  • Why is it important to be separated from your parents on a physical and emotional level as well?

In this article, we look for answers to these and similar questions.

How important is a good parent-child relationship in childhood and adulthood?

A good parent-child relationship is of great importance as it has consequences for a child’s development. In addition to meeting physical needs, the parent is also responsible for mental, emotional, and social development.

Childhood parent-child relationship

The influence of the family is the strongest of the educational influences, hence the earliest experiences, which are very decisive.

The family also serves as a filter for a child. In good cases, positive, developmental factors from the outside world are supported by family patterns.

In a good relationship, the parent is able to recognize the needs of their child. In a good environment, the child can develop a healthy self-image of himself.

A supportive environment teaches a child that he or she is worthy of love, and it follows that he or she sees the world as positive and supportive.

If the family-formed filter allows parents to have negative effects, they can delay their child’s development. For the most part, the parent selects the effects on their child.

It doesn’t matter if you watch violent movies in the company of your child, or just go on a nature trip with them, or maybe garden together.

There is also a physical, mental, and emotional connection between the parent and the child.

Man is a social being, his development is determined by the environment around him. Everyone faces challenges in life, and it is much easier to overcome them if our human relationships are high quality.

The family-shaping force, the mother-child relationship is especially important.

In infancy, we instinctively demand closeness, which is one of the keys to our survival.

14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship
14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

Adult parent-child relationship

In adulthood, the relationship with parents is different. A healthy adult personality includes independence, and separation from parents.

There are two sides to separation from parents: physical and emotional separation.

Physical detachment means financial independence and moving away from home.

Emotional detachment is not tangible, it often doesn’t happen these days.

Why? Because its importance is not taught, even though its lack makes the adult parent-child relationship pregnant.

When emotional detachment does not occur, there are also signs of it:

  • parents share unsolicited advice in adulthood;
  • have a say in how their adult children live their lives;
  • the adult child does not assume himself towards the parents, he is afraid to say no;
  • parents affect the child emotionally, no boundaries are drawn.

Emotional detachment is also very important because lack of it causes a mental break, keeps you addicted, you can’t really be complete and be yourself.

What might be the consequences of a deteriorating parent-child relationship? How can this be avoided?

There can be a number of reasons for a deteriorating parent-child relationship: a bad atmosphere, unpredictability, parental personality disorders, whether verbal or physical abuse.

The parent may also have grown up in an abusive relationship and passed these patterns on to their child.

In very many cases, the parent is unaware that he or she is a toxic parent. You may say or think she will do anything for her child, yet cause severe emotional and mental harm to her.

A toxic parent does not provide emotional security for their child. There may be constant criticism from the parent, believing it will help their child. In fact, she nurtures a very deep, critical inner voice in her child who can punish harshly for her wrongdoings as an adult.

Otherwise, the parent will not listen to the child’s mental pain, with the result that the child will suppress his or her emotions as an adult.

They may not care about the child’s goals, they don’t take into account their real needs.

It is possible that the child will be held responsible for their own failure, but these are unrealistic expectations, as everyone is the blacksmith of their own destiny.

These faulty parenting strategies can have a number of serious consequences for the child.

Various behavioral disorders can develop, of which there are many forms.

For example, a child will not be able to handle failures, will have a faulty self-image, or will not be able to process and live out their emotions properly. There can be a constant tension between a parent and a child, and things can range from verbal abuse to even act.

Recovery from a toxic parent-child relationship is difficult, and the child may need to rebuild themselves into adulthood.

How can this be improved?

The starting point is for the parent to be aware of themselves, to know their own positive and less beneficial qualities. Self-knowledge is important in all human relationships.

The parent should look into the upbringing they may have been raised in a toxic parent-child relationship.

In this case, you will inadvertently pass this pattern on to your child. In this case, the parent should not be discouraged, it is a hard thing to face their own mistakes, but everything can be changed.

If necessary, consult a specialist, such as a psychologist.

This is not a shame, but an opportunity to treat the traumas experienced in childhood. It takes perseverance, but a parent can put their own inner world and relationship with their child in order if they go to therapy.

Get to know your child! The answer may come: I already know him. This is usually not the case, especially if one does not even know oneself.

Life is a continuous experience in which we show our thousands and thousands of faces to the world and to ourselves. It is no different in relation to our child, he is also able to show us something new.

It follows that openness is very important.

It is good to be aware of your child’s needs and personality characteristics. Life also shows that even though two brothers grow up in the same family, they still have different personality traits.

It is important to strive to create a secure background not only on a physical but also on an emotional level. Have constant communication, and always discuss any problems that arise.

Let your child relax, and have their own space. In today’s rushed world, there is a great need to recharge if you require it to leave you alone.

Everyone needs time spent completely alone because that is when we can balance the possible ups and downs of our spiritual world.

Criteria for a good parent-child relationship

1. Parent-child relationship without masks

Everyone needs love and acceptance!

A parent and child may see the world differently on certain issues, and this is fully accepted. Man gives himself a real self, in this case, no masks are needed.

One of the most important things for a person is to be themselves.

2. Trust first and foremost

We build trust as a parent from an early age. In this state, the child feels and knows that they are being given a stable background. The parent is there for her and you can count on her in any situation.

Trust occurs on both an emotional and logical level.

It develops on an emotional level due to family ties, on a logical level, it is derived from actions.

3. Honesty on both sides

The parent should be honest as he conveys the example. If the parent is not honest, how can you expect honesty from your child.

The child understands if something is wrong. It is not worth teaching him that it is not necessary to tell everything. It’s important to tell her if anything hurts her.

When you see the suppression of emotions in front of you as an example, you may not dare to take on your adulthood and manage your emotions in place.

Honesty is a great virtue, watch your inner world, in which case you will somehow feel lighter. It does not push your soul load, you are liberated.

Encourage your child to be honest, in the long run, it always pays to openly assume yourself.

4. Time spent together, quality time

Quality time is when they paid maximum attention to each other. You are present, in which case you are just concentrating on each other.

It could be a common game that is always a great experience. Even a joint vacation where you can relax together.

Real attention is when you feel that the other cares about you. The feeling of love also comes from this attention to each other.

5. Joint activities, hobbies

Luckily, they had the same habitus and interests. This is quite common as the parent gives the sample to their child. If not, you may want to look for common ground.

The time you spend together and the activities you get to know together can get to know each other from different perspectives. The point is for everyone to enjoy spending time together, not out of coercion, but on a voluntary basis.

14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship
14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

6. Establish rules

The rules help you find your way around, it’s good to know what to stick to. The same is true in other areas of life.

On the part of the parent, it is important that he does not want to enforce his own expectations, ideas, and image of the world on his child.

There are rules about a good parent-child relationship that also serve the interests of the child and the parent. There is no over-regulation, and as a result, everyone can live for themselves.

7. Consistent education

Consistency is also about adhering to established rules, but it is not about rigor.

Only a parent who is with himself or herself can be consistent with his or her child. The child copies the pattern of the parent, he cannot be expected to be consistent if the parent is not consistent in life either.

A consistent parent explains the reason for their decisions to their child. It is important that the child understands what the requirements are based on. The discipline of a consistent parent is never selfish and shameful.

Awareness on the part of parents is very important, meaning they know exactly what is expected of their child. It is good to discuss this with each other, as consistency is upset if the mother and father follow the rules differently with their child.

8. Demonstrating emotions

Everyone has emotions, but improper processing and handling of them can cause serious mental problems.

There are some habits entrenched in our society that make our lives very difficult.

One of these is to keep a man from showing emotion. Of course, a man and a woman work differently, and men tend to have a harder time opening up about their feelings.

There is no problem with that, but everyone has emotions that need to be managed if we want to live a balanced life.

Encourage boys to talk about their feelings and what is hurting them. A word or a sentence can help a lot in solving mental problems.

In this case, the real care of the child is revealed to the parents as well, so they already know how to support him or her effectively.

9. Managing emotions

The conscious parent is aware that dealing with emotions is a very important thing to thrive. He may not have been taught this, but his life experience proves it.

A conscious parent draws their child’s attention to address their feelings.

  • As a first step, notice what can jerk him out of rest.
  • Then feel free to tell us what hurts her because your parent can help her.

Parents can help effectively if they know their child’s real concerns. When emotions are properly processed, it helps to create a balanced parent-child relationship.

The child will continue to benefit from this knowledge, as the management of emotions is of great importance in all human connections.

10. Non-judgmental parent-child relationship

The conscious parent is aware that we all have an independent personality and respects that. A child may see the world completely differently than his or her parents.

A judging parent can injure their child, so let’s not classify our child’s personality as just his or her actions.

11. Praise and recognition of each other

This is a very important thing, but it is not given much importance in today’s society.

There are expectations in most workplaces, yet there is no recognition after the work is done. A mistake, on the other hand, comes with an immediate warning or scolding.

Existence of praise and recognition is a prerequisite for developing a child’s healthy self-confidence.

There are not only expectations in a balanced parent-child relationship, but also praise. Of course, the golden mean is important, but without praise, proper self-esteem will not develop.

12. Respect for each other’s living space

There are times when a person wants to be completely alone, that’s a natural thing to do. From time to time, a child also demands silence and solitude.

In a good parent-child relationship, the parent does not keep hanging on to their child and does not force their own ideas on it. A conscious parent gives freedom to his or her child because he or she is aware that he or she will return to it sooner or later.

14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship
14 Criteria to Develop a Good Parent and Child Relationship

13. Awareness

The importance of awareness is conveyed by the parent to the child. The conscious parent understands the behavior of himself and his child as well. It saves a family life from a lot of conflict.

If one is conscious, one is aware of one’s own abilities, assumes one’s positive and negative qualities, can manage one’s emotions, and strives for self-improvement.

When a child sees a constructive pattern, his or her adult life becomes much easier. You will be aware of your abilities, and dare to use them, making it easier to take on obstacles in life.

14. Openness

It can be learned from anyone, even a child. The conscious parent is aware of this and turns open to his child.

Maybe the child thinks about the world completely differently than his or her parents. If the attitude is open from the parents, it will save a lot of conflict in a parent-child relationship.

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12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

What is self-confidence? Why is it important to increase self-confidence? What are the ways to increase it? How does it affect your life if you have more self-confidence?

What exactly is self-confidence?

Self-confidence is confidence in one’s own abilities and talent.

A person with self-confidence knows that he or she can cope with obstacles. Not only with routine tasks but also with completely new, unknown situations.

A person full of self-confidence has a place for self-esteem, he sees himself realistically, and he doesn’t need to show more than he actually is.

There is a close connection between self-confidence and self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge is the summing up of an individual’s components of his or her own personality, the ability to place himself or herself in the world.

Self-confidence is nourished by self-knowledge, a person who knows himself is aware of his abilities.

Our self-confidence can be strengthened with practice, the competitions can really strengthen it. It has a real basis if it comes from within and not from feedback from the outside world. For a person who trusts himself, it doesn’t matter what happens in the outside world.

Self-confidence is often confused with arrogance.

An arrogant person, you imagine more of yourself than you really are. He thinks he is better than others or thinks he is more special.

In contrast, a person with self-confidence has self-esteem in place and sees himself realistically. You don’t need to show more than your real person.

Definite action and confident behavior are not the same as self-confidence. The point is what’s inside, not what you point to the outside world.

Let’s summarize what a confident person trusts:

  • in their own abilities;
  • in their own well-being;
  • in the development of one’s own person;
  • can handle unexpected situations;
  • can build balanced human relationships;
  • in understanding his own life and leading it successfully.

What are the reasons for the lack of self-confidence?

In today’s world, a lack of self-confidence is high.

The reason for its formation can be divided into two main groups: family and social reasons.

Childhood is a determining factor in everyone’s lives, as we receive most of our samples from parents.

Excessive expectations from parents can create a lack of self-confidence almost unnoticed.

12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life
12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

In such cases, the parents do not have expectations that correspond to the child’s abilities. It may be related to learning or they may entrust the child with things that are not appropriate for their age. After that, the child’s experience of failure can be almost enveloped.

Continuous criticism can also do great harm to a child’s spiritual life.

Many parents believe that a rigorous, critical upbringing will help their children. The child then feels that he cannot do anything, after a while a rock-hard, critical inner voice develops in him.

Because of this, as an adult, you won’t be happy with yourself, you won’t trust your abilities, saying it’s not good what you’re doing anyway. Self-esteem will not be correct due to childhood traumas.

Following the expectations of society, the outside world, and current fashion trends can also create a lack of self-confidence.

Someone may not be happy with their appearance, or they may have commented on their physique as a child. All of these can be a trigger for a lack of self-confidence.

To this, you put a shovel on consumer society and the media. They suggest the image of having a sporty physique or always dressing in the latest fashion.

In addition to running a household, raising children, and working, always pay attention to your appearance. This is what cannot be done, it is impossible to meet all external expectations. Unfortunately, many fall into this trap and don’t feel good enough.

Why is it important to increase self-confidence?

The quality of your life is greatly influenced by your self-confidence. There are always opportunities, a person full of confidence will seize and take advantage of them. When you don’t have enough self-confidence you don’t dare to put yourself to the test.

Lack of self-confidence makes your own development difficult.

Anxiety can become a part of your everyday life, and excessive anxiety can also be a feature. They will throw you back, you will not be able to be fulfilled. Non-living yourself causes mental worries and frustration that affect your privacy, your work, and your financial situation as well.

Self-confidence can be increased in small steps with the help of competitions.

A person full of confidence is not afraid to try new things and methods. He uses his inner strength, recognizes his strengths, and then applies them. At the same time, he is aware of his own weaknesses, he accepts them, but he tries to improve his shortcomings.

Increasing your self-confidence will make you more stable in life, and unexpected situations will not shock you. Your behavior becomes natural, you give who you are. You don’t compare yourself to others, you accept from the outside world what you find constructive.

  • There is calm in the depths of your soul because you are aware of your values, you radiate this to the outside world.
  • Your human relationships will also be more balanced, both in your private life and in the workplace.
  • The like, the like attracts people, so people with self-confidence will be connected to you as well.

What misconceptions are circulating about self-confidence and how to increase it?

There are some misconceptions that have nestled themselves in the public consciousness about self-confidence. It is important that these beliefs are clarified.

1. It is a thing born of you: either there is or it is not

The degree of your self-confidence varies and can change throughout your life.

Childhood greatly affects its extent. A toxic parent-child relationship can be a disadvantage, a good relationship can be an advantage.

The level of self-confidence can be increased, primarily by measuring life.

Those who have self-confidence had to build it up and keep it constant. How do they do that? They are looking for new challenges that will help their personal development.

2. Greater self-confidence is a guarantee that you will never be disappointed

If you have self-confidence, self-esteem may not be right.

Anyone with self-confidence, in general, may also be able to misjudge a situation. When someone expects too much from themselves, they can be disappointed.

Avoiding disappointment does not depend on self-confidence but on a realistic assessment of the situation or the elimination of expectations.

3. Criticism and failure hurt self-confidence

Self-confidence comes from within, if criticism or failure permanently makes you unsure, your self-confidence was not real.

There are malicious people who can shake your faith. It is important to set a standard for yourself. Consider who the criticism came from and whether it is useful to you.

Listen to your intuitions and strive to translate what you say into your personal development. Your inner voice will tell you what is good for you. Regular application of this technique will strengthen your self-confidence.

4. Low self-confidence cannot be changed

Nothing in life is permanent, everything can be changed. With conscious work, self-confidence can also be increased and developed.

Successful completion of any task can build self-confidence. It is mostly strengthened by those that force you to leave your comfort zone.

When you find that you are capable of solving a task, self-confidence begins to develop in you. The more times you step out of your comfort zone, the more that feeling deepens within you.

12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life
12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

5. I will have self-confidence when I build something big

Not everyone will be an inventor or a world-renowned performer. Doing an ordinary thing can also give you confidence.

Everyone has a different personal standard, everyone has different success. Success can be a well-done cake, passing an exam, a job promotion, or whatever.

In the evenings, look back on your day and praise yourself if you have successfully completed a task. These little successes build solid self-confidence.

6. People full of self-confidence are arrogant

Arrogance and self-confidence are not the same things.

The arrogant man imagines and points to himself as more than he really is. Most of the time, this is exactly a sign of a lack of self-confidence, as he has to show a positive image to the outside world.

A person full of confidence doesn’t need reinforcements and doesn’t want to be at the center at all costs.

7. I need to become perfect to have self-confidence

A person with self-confidence also makes mistakes. Excessive striving for perfection makes your life very difficult. The expectations placed on yourself can be extended indefinitely.

He who trusts himself and then acts knows that there is a possibility of error in his actions. There is no perfection, but rather strive for the best you can.

Increasing Confidence Step By Step: 12 Tips To Live More Confidently

Fortunately, the level of self-confidence can be increased. Increasing self-confidence often requires perseverance, but it can help you achieve quality improvement in your life.

What are the steps and methods that can increase your self-confidence?

1. Self-confidence building tips: set goals

Self-confidence will increase after the set goals are achieved, it can only be developed in practice. When you stay within your comfort zone you will not progress, real progress comes into your life by overcoming challenges.

Before setting goals, you may want to ask yourself a few questions.

  • What makes me happy?
  • What is important to me?
  • What type of occupation is right for me?
  • What leisure activities would I like to do?
  • What is the challenge for me?

2. Self-confidence tip: Imagine and write down your goals

It is worth imagining your stated goals and their realization in front of you. To do this, create peace of mind, close your eyes, and let your imagination soar.

Everything manifests through our thoughts that you focus on grows big.

The same is true for writing, put your goals on paper and believe in their realization. The point is to do these exercises regularly.

3. Self-confidence boosting tip: keep yourself tidy

Everyone understood something else, but a kind of system and conscious action are needed to achieve the goals. With organized and consistent work, you can build anything, including self-confidence.

When you see through the tasks and know what you want, it’s much easier to move on. You can save energy by always putting your important things back in the same place. In that case, it will certainly not be necessary to look for them.

You will also be able to progress more easily with the set tasks, and partial successes will automatically increase your self-confidence.

4. Self-confidence building tips: be aware, develop new habits

Self-knowledge is also needed for awareness. Take care of yourself, assess your own needs, and list your preferred and less favorable habits.

Once you are aware of the bad habits, transform them.

This is difficult at first, especially with decades of habits because they have become part of your everyday life. Through persistent work, however, you can introduce new habits to your personal development.

5. Self-confidence tips: Live healthily, have an agenda

A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and the right amount of rest will help you work efficiently. Sport can also give you confidence as you put yourself to the test. The self-confidence gained here can be transferred to other areas of life.

An agenda that balances your life and allows you to move forward more efficiently in the long run.

12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life
12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

6. Tips to increase self-confidence: Useless social media

Social media can take a lot of time out of your life, and this pastime may not always be useful. It’s a great way to stay in touch, and there are good groups and apps. However, you may want to set a time limit for yourself.

Social media does not show the real picture. You subconsciously make a comparison when you view your message board. You can see other people’s holiday pictures or their perfect makeup. Because of this, you may feel bad and your self-confidence may decrease.

Make yourself aware that social media doesn’t show the real picture.

7. Self-confidence building tip: live in the present

When you are not living in the present, you are chewing on the past or you are afraid of things that have not happened. But you forget about the present, even though it determines your future.

Don’t identify with your thoughts, listen to them as outsiders, and then choose which one is useful to you.

Try to stay judgmentless, which is very difficult at first, especially if you get in a tense situation. There are several techniques that can help you stay in the present, such as relaxation or meditation. Their regular use makes it easier for you to stay calm in decision situations.

8. Self-confidence building tips: Surround yourself with positive people

It is a very important step in building self-confidence to surround yourself with positive people.

Their enthusiasm will stick to you, they can give you advice, praise, and encourage you. Negative people, on the other hand, pull down and can hold back development.

It is not always possible to solve this in a workplace, in which case try to spend as little time as possible in the company of negative people. If you feel very unwell in a particular place, switch because physical and mental problems can also develop.

9. Self-confidence building tip: Observe yourself

Watch your feelings anywhere and in any situation. Look at what a particular situation is causing you to do. Feeling good or uncomfortable?

When you feel bad, ask the question: why is this? This will allow you to filter out what is good for you and what is not.

The purpose of observing yourself is to get to know yourself and find the problem that is pulling you back. Self-knowledge is very important in increasing self-confidence.

10. Self-confidence tips: Recognize your fears and face them

A self-deprived person must have fears. He is afraid to cut into new things, he is afraid to show his abilities, he is afraid of failure, of losing financial security, and the line could still be continued.

Even people full of self-confidence can be insecure, and afraid of new things. They, on the other hand, dare to face them and then act.

Overcoming fears can draw the most self-confidence.

11. Self-confidence building tips: Consciously look for challenges

Challenges train your self-confidence, crossing your boundaries equips you with new experiences.

The feeling of insecurity intensifies in you when you are not moving within your usual framework. To strengthen your self-confidence, you need to step out of your comfort zone, in which case you will learn to really trust in your own fortress.

Then you start to feel legitimacy: if you have completed a difficult challenge, you will be more confident about the next task.

12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life
12 Self-confidence Building Tips For A More Confident Daily Life

12. Tips to increase self-confidence: listen to your inner voice and intuitions

Learn to disengage yourself from the opinions of others.

This doesn’t mean closing in, just letting in your own filter what you find useful.

When you’re passionate about something and have positive feelings, dare to cut in. Observe your feelings, if you are sure of your decision, take action.

Before making a decision, create silence around you and in your head. The silence of the mind is necessary for you to pay attention to your intuitions. Your inner voice will lead you to the best choice.

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9 Convincing Arguments In Favor Of Regular Swimming

9 Convincing Arguments In Favor Of Regular Swimming

It relieves stress, improves endurance, and helps with weight loss – swimming provides full-body training without straining the joints.

9 Convincing Arguments In Favor Of Regular Swimming
9 Convincing Arguments In Favor Of Regular Swimming

1. Loves Your Heart

This beneficial form of exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 28% – the authors of an Australian study have concluded from their research. With no peak load, swimming trains the heart in a particularly gentle way. In addition, the water pressure also has a beneficial effect by compressing the blood vessels under the surface of the skin: the blood pushes towards the chest, so the heart has to work harder.

2. The Metabolism Spins

The water in the pools, seas, and lakes are rarely at an ideal temperature, so the body has to make up the difference – which boosts the metabolism. In addition, swimming also builds muscle, and it also stimulates metabolism: the more muscle mass in the body, the more calories we burn, even after a workout.

3. Reduces The Risk Of Developing Diabetes

Physical activity lowers blood sugar levels because energy is needed for the muscles to work, which comes primarily from the carbohydrates consumed. The body provides energy from the sugar in the bloodstream. However, swimming also improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells – this means that the pancreas has to release less insulin, thus reducing the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

4. Muscle And Joints

Swimming trains the whole body, strengthening both the smaller and larger muscle groups. But because we move in the water, we move the joints gently – from the shoulders to the hips to the knees. It noticeably improves mobility and has the additional positive effect of relieving tension in the shoulders and back.

5. Healthy Weight Loss

A German study was recently published in which experts compared the energy needs of different sports activities. The body’s energy use during swimming and cycling has been shown to be similar. We can burn up to 531 kcal in one hour of breastfeeding, as well as cycling for the same amount of time.

6. Restful Sleep

Physical activity has been shown to play a key role in treating sleep problems. Exercising reduces stress, relieves tension, calms us down, and makes us sleep easier in the evening. However, keep in mind that in the short term, swimming will make you more alert as it will work your circulation, so take at least 2 hours between training and going to bed.

7. Excellent Condition

Above all, swimming improves endurance – it strengthens the heart and circulatory system. The resistance in water is 14 times higher than on land, meaning movement requires significantly more energy in this medium. This is especially true for fast swimming. With a little practice, you will be able to keep pace for longer and longer, and your stamina will improve quickly.

8. Better Lung Capacity

According to an American study, swimmers have a higher lung capacity than runners. The muscles of the respiratory system are constantly active while swimming, as the water pressure, ensures that we breathe more vigorously. An ideal sport for asthmatics too!

9. Have Fun

When we move in water, the blood circulation in our brain becomes more vivid, so we can solve problems more easily, but swimming has a positive effect on cognitive functioning anyway. It promotes the regeneration of nerve cells and stimulates serotonin production, so we can beat the mood more effectively with a regular tempo.

9 Convincing Arguments In Favor Of Regular Swimming Read More »