
Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Do you know what self-concept is and how important it is in your life?

Sooner or later in your life, the time will come when you will ask yourself the question: who am I?

There are those who prefer to postpone this question, even though deep in their souls they are preoccupied with the meaning of life. Some people have been researching themselves all their lives because they want to know who they really are.

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer to this question?

When you know your true self, managing your life also becomes easier. Defining your identity gives you a sure starting point to return to in any difficult life situation.

When you know your limits, you are aware of your abilities, you know where you are going, you are going your own way. You are aware of what brings you inner peace and happiness.

Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?
Who am I? Why is it important to know the answer?

How to get here? Only through your experience can you realize who you really are. The experience is given to you by the path of self-knowledge, which is about overcoming your fears, as you can really improve during the competitions.

What does the concept of self mean? Why is it decisive?

The self-concept consists of three components, these are my ideal, my self-image, and my self-esteem.

My ideal is the imagined person you want to be. It has features that you find useful, often carrying the characteristics of your role models.

The self-image is what you really are and how you consider yourself to be. Luckily, self-image and reality coincide.

The degree of your self-esteem depends on the distance between your ideal and your self-image. The more realistic your ideal and self-image are, the more likely you are to find your inner peace.

It is important that my ideal and self-image are addressed in place.

If you place excessive expectations on yourself, the difference between my ideal and my self-image will increase. As a result, you may set goals that are unrealistic for you to achieve.

What are the benefits of knowing the answer to a question? What are the disadvantages, if not?

Who am I? I know the answer!

The quality of your life is largely determined by knowing yourself.

It also affects the quality of your human relationships, your development, and your ability to resolve conflicts, if you know who you really are.

  • You know your positive and negative qualities, you take on yourself.
  • You are aware and well-assessed of your own boundaries, and you are even aware that these boundaries can be expanded.
  • You realistically assess your situation and know which qualities you need to use to achieve your goals.

Who am I? I do not know the answer!

In this case, all areas of life are at a disadvantage or against someone who knows themselves. Why is this happening? The answer is that you don’t care enough about yourself.

It is characteristic of the society of the present age that people pay attention almost only to things in the outside world. They forget to observe their inner world, though understanding the soul is key.

Who am I Why is it important to know the answer
Who am I Why is it important to know the answer

Due to a lack of awareness, unhappiness and incompetence characterize the lives of many people. They are reluctant to put energy into getting to know themselves, I think there are two main reasons behind this.

One reason is that they are not taught how to do this. The other factor is fear because when they get closer to their hard-to-accept parts, they run away from the challenges.

When you run away from the challenges, you don’t even gain experience, so you can’t know who you really are. As a result, you may misjudge your place in the world.

You may be disappointed, you may have conflicts with yourself and the environment around you.

Who am I really? How can you get closer to the answer?

1. Observe your behavior, feelings, reactions

This is the first step to understanding yourself. Most people usually ask themselves questions when they are in a difficult situation or don’t understand something. You can only reveal who you are by asking yourself questions.

The question may rightly arise in you: how do I do it? Create a peaceful environment around you, it is best if you are alone at this time and you are not affected by the outside world.

Take a look at one of the areas of your life!

  • What kind of life do you want in the future?
  • Are you happy with your current life or would you change it?
  • If change is needed, how can you do it?
  • Do you do the job you love?
  • Are you having a good time in your relationship?
  • How are you feeling right now?

Without claiming to be exhaustive, I have listed a few questions, of course, the line could still be continued.

Then answer the questions you have asked yourself. It is recommended to answer in writing so that you can recall your thoughts later on.

2. Know what a social comparison is and handle it in place

With the help of social comparison, you are able to place yourself in the world. When you compare yourself to others, feelings arise in you.

What are these feel like? Observe this for yourself!

In the event that you experience a feeling of lack during such a comparison, it may already provide you with useful information. You can recognize what is missing, and what could be changed.

It is also important who you compare yourself to.

When you compare your life to very different people from you, you can easily feel negative feelings and disappointments. For example, if you’re a 40-year-old office worker, it’s not worth comparing yourself to a 20-year-old pop star.

Rather, compare yourself to people closer to you in age and lifestyle. This will give you a more accurate picture of yourself and the areas of life where you need to improve.

3. Face yourself

Asking yourself questions and mapping your place in the world is a good place to start.

Can you look in the mirror now? Can you accept each of your properties?

Full acceptance is fraught with difficulties because you will face unpleasant and painful realizations.

Many people take this step because it is really stressful, especially spiritually. In the absence of sweaty work, however, there will be no results either.

Who am I Why is it important to know the answer
Who am I Why is it important to know the answer

4. Take the path of action

The question “who am I” can only be answered in practice. After mapping yourself, you already have the theoretical knowledge you need to use for your development.

Fears are natural, but I encourage you to dare to cut into what you are afraid of. Changes are always preceded by crises, this is inevitable.

Only through successful battles can you reach self-knowledge, solid self-confidence, and a state of inner calm.

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How do you prepare for a video job interview?

How do you prepare for a video job interview?

A few years ago, it was only reported in the media as a huge novelty, but today, video job interviewing is almost a common practice.

You may want to learn about the main types of video interviews, as there is a growing chance that you will need to introduce yourself in this form during your next application.

In one recent job interview training, one participant reported having a video interview with a large company. Well, not like you’d first think a video call was made via skype. Instead, he was emailed a link to a website where, after a unique login, he had to answer questions from a computer in front of a video camera.

While most video interviews don’t use such advanced technology, it doesn’t hurt to know more about video job interviews either. First of all, it is worth clarifying an important issue.

How do you prepare for a video job interview?
Close-up Of Young BusinessmanHow do you prepare for a video job interview? Video Conferencing On Laptop At Desk In Office

Why a video job interview?

Video interviewing is most often not an end in itself. It is used by companies in the selection for several reasons, here are the three most common reasons that explain its increasing use:

  • On the one hand, a video job interview saves time by helping you filter candidates at the beginning of the selection process. While a face-to-face meeting takes at least 45-60 minutes (plus an appointment), a video presentation or hearing can be done much faster. And you can get a much more detailed impression of an applicant during a video presentation or conversation as opposed to a telephone interview. 
  • With a video job interview, you can easily save on travel, at least once. For example, if the applicant lives in a different city or country than the employer, a video interview during the first round of interviews will trigger a face-to-face meeting, saving time and travel costs, which will significantly save the candidate.

Who prefers a video interview?

Video interviewing is used primarily by technology-oriented industries – IT companies, financial services companies, service centers – primarily by multinational corporations. many companies are using this form of selection, but in the United Kingdom, it is already a common method for 42% of large companies. So it’s worth preparing for it early.

What does a video job interview look like?

As a job seeker, you can basically come across three different types of video interviews:

  1. The first, and perhaps most common, the way is to have a live job interview as part of a video conference or a skype call. The scenario is pretty much the same as in a face-to-face meeting, with the difference that you talk to the interviewer in a video call.
  2. In the second case, the job posting company asks you to make yourself an app. 5-10 minute introductory video and upload it to a password-protected web interface. This is a little harder because you actually have to make a complete introductory video. 
  3. The third type is when you enter a corporate career page or an Internet-managed web interface, a pre-compiled set of questions is played through your computer, which you usually have to answer in a  maximum of two minutes per question. So far, this type is not so widespread in Hungary, but don’t be surprised if you come across such a solution.

Video interviewing is a difficult terrain compared to face-to-face meetings, so above all, try to avoid it if possible! Rather, ask for a face-to-face meeting, go ahead of the video presentation! Offer to go to the company in person, be courteous in this!

If there is no other way to introduce yourself than through video, then you should be very serious about preparing for such competitions. Let’s look first at the technical part and then at the content part of the preparation!

What tools will you need for a video interview?

Of course, you will need a device that can record and stream both video and audio.

It can be a laptop or desktop computer. Perhaps a laptop with a built-in camera is the most convenient device, as they also have a built-in microphone. If you’re using a laptop, I suggest you put a few books under your laptop to get the camera from eye level.

You can also have a conversation with a standard desktop computer if you have an external webcam, but keep in mind that you will also need a microphone. A large headset is not the most ideal solution because you look like a pilot. 🙂

Smartphone / tablet. The big advantage of these devices is that they have a built-in camera and microphone and that almost everyone already has such a device. Their only drawback is that the image moves a lot while holding the mobile phone or tablet. 

When taking a picture, you should also make sure that the camera is at eye level and that you have enough light in front of you. The easiest thing to do is to record the video in natural daylight near the window, so there is almost certainly enough light available.

I suggest that you always test your settings with a few test shots before the video interview.

How do you prepare for a video job interview
How do you prepare for a video job interview

Now let’s look at how you can best prepare for a video interview in terms of content.

How to prepare for the video interview?

1) Job interview via skype or video conference

As I mentioned, this type is closest to a normal job interview, you have to be prepared for it practically the same way. I stress that in this case, too, it is advisable to prepare thoroughly for the expected job interview questions. 

2) Introductory video

When you are asked for an introductory video, it is entirely up to you what everything will be in the video, This is the advantage and of course the same disadvantage of this option. You know, it’s like saying in a job interview, “Tell me about yourself!”

This question is not really liked by job seekers because they are unsure of what to talk about. Well, the same is true for the introductory video interview: in the expected 5-8 minute material, you need to talk about yourself with the goal of selling yourself to prove to your employer that you are the “best” candidate for the job.

What are you worth talking about then?

Be sure to give a brief summary of your professional career so far, but understand how I write a short summary, so you don’t have to list all your jobs and jobs chronologically. It is worth highlighting the job that most closely resembles your application from your career, talk about what your main responsibilities were here.

However, what really sets you apart from the other applicants is not the description of the tasks, but what results you have achieved in recent years and what kind of knowledge, experience, and skills you have that will make you able to fill the job.

Be careful not to go into too much detail, however, be specific, avoid commonplaces, and try to provide as many examples and facts as possible that will convince the employer that you are indeed the ideal candidate.

A lot depends on how you compile this material because the experts of the companies can draw conclusions about your properties, such as insight, priority management, and time management.

It doesn’t matter how you present this, of course, but I’ll talk about that later.

3) What can you expect if you have to answer a series of interview questions?

In the event that you need to upload a non-introductory video, you will most likely receive a series of questions with about 10-12 questions – all candidates for a position will receive the same questions – with two minutes after each question to answer.

With this type of interview, it is not possible to predict for sure what questions will be asked, but since this is a competency-based interview technique, you may want to look at the expectations the advertiser has put forward in the job advertisement. If e.g. when applying for a customer service job that states that good problem-solving skills and a customer-oriented mindset, as well as communication skills, are expected, the question will surely be asked, “Have you ever dealt with a difficult customer? How did you solve the situation? ”

In addition to position-specific skills, you might want to prepare for the most common interview questions: Why would you want to switch? What piqued your interest in the job advertised? What are your plans? Why should we choose you?

You may also want to work out the answers to these questions. If you are unsure, write the full text of the answer, if not, it is enough to take it in sketch points and memorize what you have to say.

Describing the content helps a lot to capture the answer in your head and not forget anything about the excitement of a video interview.

Once you’re prepared for what you have to say, think about how you’re going to present it.

The first impression matters a lot here too!

However, we can only make a first impression once, so try to get the most out of the video interview.

Practice is essential to be able to sell yourself as professionally as possible during a video interview. Believe me, newsreaders, and actors were not born that way, a lot of practice enabled them to move confidently in front of the cameras. 

1. Exercise in front of a camera!

Pick yourself up with your phone, camcorder, and look critically at what you’re doing well and what you need to improve: you may be grimacing like Jim Carrey, or maybe you’re talking to the gestures of an Italian dealer, maybe your voice is too quiet and weak? you have phrases that you use annoyingly too much, maybe too much until you become aware of them, you can’t change them.

It can also help a lot to prepare for a traditional job interview by taking a video of your answers to some of the expected questions.

2. Look at the camera!

Even during video interviews, candidates often make the mistake of looking at the monitor, not the camera, so the selectors looking at the recording practically never see the candidate’s face or eyes

so they are practically unable to make eye contact with him, and we can use our gaze to convey the most authentic emotions from within, such as motivation, positive attitude, good mood, and harmony, so it is not worth leaving this channel untapped.

3. Communicate clearly and expressively.

Imagine yourself in the place of the selection professionals, they may have to watch 100 video interviews, so try to leave a mark on them: articulate to ensure comprehension, speech tempo is dynamic but followable

you have to be loud enough because you can’t know the microphone how much you convey from your voice, but the most important thing is to emphasize, change your tone, speech tempo to maintain interest.

4. Smile!

During the video interview, we want to make a sympathetic, engaging impression, and a smile is a prerequisite for this, which shows that you are a well-balanced, cheerful, lively candidate.

I know you’re saying good-good now, but it’s still an awkward situation, but I still advise you to try to enjoy it, because then the result will definitely be better.

5. Adhere to the time frames.

If you are told you have 2 minutes to respond, have an hour in front of you to keep track of how much time has elapsed since you responded. Time is subjective, or we feel a much longer or much shorter elapsed time when we talk, so practice it as well. how many sentences fit in two minutes.

6. Focus on appearance!

A video interview is a substitute for a telephone or first-person interview, so attach the same importance to it as if you were in an interview: dress just as demandingly.

Avoid wearing clothes, jewelry, and makeup that distract you from what you have to say. Beware e.g. from overly flashy colors, a small patterned top/shirt, large earrings.

7. Create a calm environment!

You can only perform well if you rule out any distractions, start when you are sure no one will disturb you, your children, the cat roaming the apartment, and your dog will not start barking in the apartment.

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right!

I’m not denying the video interview is tough terrain, but keep in mind that you don’t have to compete with the performance of the professional actors, but with the other entrants.

Don’t bother if you may not be 100%, but with the tips above in mind, you can already make and pass a pretty good quality video interview.

Think of a video interview as a task that will help you develop a lot of skills again, see communication, persuasion, and presentation skills, and these are the skills you need in your daily work and even in your personal life, so learn up! I wish you good luck!

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The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

Perhaps we agree that a job interview is one of the most shocking parts of a selection. Face to face with the prospective employer from whom the questions are just showering. How do you sell yourself while remaining yourself? How do you get your better shape, but don’t even camouflage and play yourself?

I admit that this is not an easy task. Especially when the more provocative topics are followed by really provocative questions…

The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers
The 5 Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions And Answers

Most Thought Provocative Job Interview Questions Examples are:

  • Why did you change jobs so often?
  • I see a little / a lot of experience for this job. What do you think about this?
  • His CV is convincing, but I see he didn’t get his degree/language, why?
  • We are a youthful company, do you think you could fit into a team around 30 years old?
  • Did you mention how old the kids are?

You may not see it that way right now, but I say you should be happy with questions like this! 🙂 I’ll explain why. And I’ll also show you how you can get along well with a more uncomfortable topic with answers.

Objection handling

Provocative issues in sales are called objection handling. That is, if a potential customer has an important objection, they will not buy from you until it is somehow clarified.

One of the most important tasks of the seller is always to bring to the surface any possible objections of the buyer and to respond to them reassuringly.

The same thing happens in a job interview: if you feel you’re getting questions that seem hostile, rejoice in them instead of being offended, because you don’t have to guess, the interviewer himself will tell you what specific doubts he has about you. And you have the opportunity to distribute them in a nice, professional way.

Let’s look at the 5 most common types of provocative questions and the answers!

1) Why did you change jobs so often?

Answer: First of all, let me say that I don’t like looking for a job at all, and I find it necessary that I have been forced to change jobs relatively often. Almost every change I had had a different reason: a merger or a downsize, and it was such that I didn’t look closely at where I was contracting.

However, I managed to get good results at each company, despite the shorter time spent there, and they were happy with my work everywhere (List some examples here too!). During the interview, I was convinced that I would be able to make a long-term, stable contribution to your company and this position.

2) I see little or no experience in this job. What do you think about this?

Answer: Looking back on my previous jobs, I did not start any of them with all the necessary knowledge. Yet, as I have basic expertise and am learning quickly, I have been able to achieve serious results in a relatively short period of time. For example, this and that… I am ready to put energy into learning in my new job as well. Based on my past positions, I think I can be equally successful in this position.

3) Your CV is convincing, but I see you didn’t get your degree/language skills, why?

Answer: I’ve tried myself in quite a few jobs, and I feel like I’ve found a specialty in logistics where I enjoy every minute of my work. What is certain is that I want to continue working in this field for the next 5 or 10 years.

It is important for me to constantly develop and be competitive, so I have been a subscriber to various logistics courses for years, I regularly buy specialist books, I train myself, and I also enrolled in an English language course a few months ago. I feel that my practical knowledge is outstanding in my field, which has been regularly reported by my previous leaders. E.g… 

4) We are a youthful company, do you think you could fit into a team around 30 years old?

Answer: It is true that I am over 30 years old, but I feel much less than I am. I like working with young people, I get along well with them, I also understood myself well with all my young colleagues in my previous jobs.

I play sports regularly, I am also dynamic according to the feedback from others. I still live an active life to this day and luckily I learn quickly in my work as well. 

5) Did you mention how old the children are?

Answer: As I wrote in my cover letter, my two little boys are 5 and 7 years old. Luckily my grandparents live nearby, they help when the kids get sick, I was on sick leave for only x days at the previous job. They have only missed kindergarten/school twice in the last year.

My husband’s schedule is also relatively flexible, so far it has worked well for us to go for the kids in the evening if I may have had to stay in the job any longer. I just found a great babysitter to help with home logistics from next month. 

In summary

Provocative questions are good, they work for you, so treat them positively, because with your answers you have the opportunity to reassure the interviewer about your objections about you once and for all.

You should be prepared for these consciously! Write down any possible doubts you may have about your application or career and work out reassuring answers in advance. Remember: honesty is very important! Never lie, you can say anything, it doesn’t matter how you serve it!

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40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

What important relationship questions are there that are good for you to ask yourself and your partner? How can this help in problematic situations?

Relationship issues and conversations are designed to make your relationship as harmonious as possible.

Did you talk to your partner today? Now I am not thinking about the weather and the news, but about your soul. Did you tell him about your feelings, the processes going on in your soul?

A balanced relationship requires really deep and honest conversations. In this writing, I have gathered questions for you that are worth asking yourself and your partner from time to time.

Why, when, and in what phases is it worth asking the following relationship questions?

Continuous communication within a relationship is very important. Not only its existence but also it’s quality.

There are levels of communication that range from stenciled, factual statements to in-depth conversations. It is the name of Gary Smalley, an American couple and family therapist, who developed the levels of communication.

  1. Level of templates. Superficial, distant conversation, including “ How are you?” types of issues. This level is for communication.
  2. Level of facts. We give the other information about what happened to us that day, but without emotion.
  3. Level of opinion. At this level, you can learn about your partner’s goals, desires, and fears.
  4. Level of emotions. Here you are more open to your partner, but you still have the fear of rejection.
  5. Level of intimate communication. Honest, open, loving communication. At this level, you can actually get to know each other.

Relationship questions are worth asking each other on a regular, daily basis. It also helps deepen the relationship between you, respect each other, and trust.

With regular conversations, you can avoid chilling out, have less conflict between you, and be aware of your partner’s real needs.

The purpose of related questions is to reach the level of intimate communication together and really get to know each other.

How can these relationship questions help you?

  • You get to know your partner and yourself better.
  • Relationship issues are an opportunity to deepen your relationship.
  • You can get new information about your partner, you can see it from a different perspective.
  • There may be things on the surface that you didn’t even expect about your partner.
  • Honesty, discovering the deepest secrets of your soul, builds the trust between you.
  • It’s easier to get over difficult situations because you know each other.
  • Conflict management between you will be more effective.
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

40 important relationship issues for a harmonious life

Here are 40 relationship questions designed to help you build deep connections and build trust with each other.

1. What do you like about yourself?

It is an important question because self-love is the starting point. When one does not love and respects oneself, one will not receive love and respect from one’s partner.

2. What do you like about your couple?

It sure is! It’s good to signal these qualities to your partner, it will only strengthen him and the relationship between you as well.

3. How do you feel when you think of your partner?

Feelings do not lie, the first thoughts and feelings always come from the depths of your soul. Watch the feelings you develop as you think of your partner.

4. What did you learn from your partner?

The essence of all human relationships is to develop and get to know yourself as much as possible. Your partner is your mirror, pointing out the things you just have to learn.

5. What did you teach your partner?

You to act as a mirror for your couple. When you show him a new perspective, you pass on knowledge to him. Give a very good thing!

6. Why are you proud of your partner?

When you are proud of someone, it indicates that you respect and accept him.

7. What are the qualities that your partner would need to improve on?

It is also important how much these qualities bother you and how much they threaten the stability of the relationship.

8. What are the qualities you would need to improve on?

This is a question of self-knowledge, perhaps these are the most difficult questions because they require mirroring.

9. Which trait of your partner bothers you the most?

If you have any of these qualities, you should report them to your partner as soon as possible.

10. In your opinion, which of your qualities disturbs your partner the most?

Ask yourself this question first, then ask your partner. Will you think the same thing?

11. How are you similar?

The like, the like attracts! A love affair is based on a similar outlook on life, without which your relationship will not work in the long run.

12. How are you different?

Of course, we are not exactly the same. It’s worth collecting the qualities that set you apart.

13. To what extent do you agree on the relevant issues?

This is perhaps one of the most important issues in a relationship. Because of the difference between your views is too great, long-term cooperation will not take place either.

14. How do you deal with stressful situations together?

In stressful situations, relationships are measured.

15. When was the last time you were really happy with your partner?

Hopefully, you will be able to answer this question in a fraction of a second.

16. Which moment you spent with your partner would you relive?

When you recall a fond memory in yourself, pleasant feelings permeate it again.

17. Can your couple make you laugh?

Humor is also an essential part of a relationship. It helps you to experience and enjoy the present moment.

18. Can you make your partner laugh?

It’s good to give back to your partner the cheerful moments he got from him.

19. What are the leisure activities you both enjoyed?

Relaxation and recharging are important in life. Time spent together is also important in a relationship.

20. Do you feel that your relationship is developing?

Development and change are the foundation of a relationship. A well-functioning relationship ensures self-knowledge and the opportunity for constant development.

21. What common goals have you achieved together?

Man is a communal being, he needs to experience a sense of belonging. This can also be experienced within a relationship. Every success achieved together strengthens the relationship.

22. What are your common goals for the future?

This is a very important relationship issue, it is important that you keep in one direction.

23. What would you definitely like to try out in the company of your partner?

You definitely have desires and dreams that you want to realize with your partner. Does he already know about these desires?

24. Is your partner the first person you tell if something very important has happened in your life?

It is also a basic human need to tell others what has happened. Who is it to whom you first reveal the important experiences of your life? It reveals a lot.

25. When your friends ask about your partner, do you answer them honestly?

Is there anything you feel you should cover-up? If so, it indicates you still have work to do with acceptance.

26. Do you discuss the most important things with each other?

Communication is very important within a relationship. Many times you may think you know for sure what’s going on in your partner’s mind because you already know him. Then, after a conversation, it turns out the exact opposite is going on in him.

27. Do you give feedback to your partner if you may be offended?

It is important that you indicate your needs. Tell your partner honestly exactly what was going on inside of you when it did something that hurt you!

28. Will your partner honestly tell you if you hurt him?

When you find that you prefer to contain your grievances, encourage him to open up to you! This will strengthen mutual trust.

29. How often do you have deep conversations?

Another important topic is relationship issues. The trust mentioned above can be consolidated through regular and honest conversations.

30. Are there any secrets you keep in front of your partner?

Secrets are exciting at first but can break up the relationship later. It is a relief when it is no longer necessary to cover up something. Because hiding a secret also requires energy from you.

31. Have you ever lied to your partner?

What was the reason for this? Recall this event to yourself and what it had to do with it.

32. Has your partner lied to you yet?

If so, what did he lie to you about? Also, ask him what happened to him when he lied!

33. Do you trust each other to the maximum?

Trust is essential. Ask each other this question by looking into each other’s eyes. Then listen to how you feel.

34. Have you ever been jealous of your partner?

Behind the jealousy is the fear of losing the connection, which stems from not feeling good enough, and not trusting your abilities enough.

35. Do you have enough intimacy?

It is very important that you share your innermost feelings with each other. Failure to do so may result in chills.

40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life
40 Important Relationship Issues For A Harmonious Life

36. What is your sex life like?

Honesty and communication are also essential in this regard. Indicate your needs openly.

37. Are there situations where you understand each other without words?

Are there situations where you manage to tune in so much that it is unnecessary to speak out? If so, that’s a good sign, because that’s when the sense of belonging grows stronger.

38. Have you ever thought during your relationship that it would be better to break up?

Within a connection, the ups and downs are natural. It’s worth looking at what triggered the idea of ​​a breakup.

39. Can you imagine being with your partner for the rest of your life?

Do your values ​​and your purpose in life match? What is important to you? What is important to him?

40. How do you feel when you think about your common future?

When you ask yourself this question, just pay attention to the feelings that are developing in you!

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